and your dad didn't kill you?
Lies lies lies lies
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you too sleep but get on tomorrow morning!!!!!!!!!!!
Dwight David Eisenhower who put the NATO treaty into act. WHY NOW!?!?!?
9-11-55 .
Yes quite. Now could you tell me who was the president during 9/11?
Well you're either stupid or you're ugly. So I guess I'm ugly and you're pretty.
HA I'M 213 HAHAHAHA. Sorry I couldn't help myself. :} How have you been?
Not surprising. Being on here too long messes with you and makes you into a complete ******ed whore. Pretty much what most technology does to us....
Knee slapper. It's always good to get away from this site. Leave for too long you'll forget about it.
Ah well Love ya too :]
The Crow cawz at midnight. We'll talk politics later how are ya?
The weasel spoils the soup
He's two years older then you isn't he? Yes I'm a stalker so I know a lot about friends and former friends on here.
Cuz you're leaving?
One of these days! **** gotta go now love ya snort pixie let all your ups and downs be in bed peace it
What would I do without you? god damnit.
I'm sorry that has to be the most obnoixious band out there. I love Shavo though don't get me wrong and the band does have the right mindset but my gawd listen to stealing society by them. lalalalalalalalalala stupid mother****er get ready die lalalalalalalalala MY GOD MAKE IT STOP!!!! "Headfirst Slide into Cooperstown on a Bad Bet"-Fall Out Boy
I just tore a whole in my boxers I'm in such a rush
Fuhk I need to go this orientation in a hour and I'm not even ready! I forgot all about it FUHK!