89 Someone is sex obessed.
86 Now I can see why you guys don't talk much! xD
You've got quite the catch there buddy.
83 But did a Chinese do a israeli?
81 that's cuz you gotta get PUMPED and post here!
79 A.ll D.aylong. I. Dream. A.bout. S.ex. ADIDAS
1/12 of the time she's "nice" That's the million dollar question. I was forced into the relationship to make her look good. She was truely...
77 touche You dunno?
My first girlfriend killed herself.
no no no no no! She's a real sweetheart she just has her share of emotion problems and she has no one else to take it out on. Sure she tells her...
69 EW That's just a bit odd don't you think? Coming to a chat site just to count? I read you emotion thingy
I just gotta suck it up and get back on my feet. Win her back.
65 YA! why are you in love Rhopper? Why don't you feel like talking Ryota?
62 Does anybody talk here?
She was cranky and tired and I tried cheering her up. It worked for awhile but out of the blue she starts calling me out. I'm used of this by now...
53 trolling
I'm not really sure. A random fight came up and in the end she sort of came out saying I never ment anything too her.
50 not fast enough!
48 faster!!!!! Harder!!!!!!
Dude I think I just got dumped. Ha and I was just telling you how much I love her.