Zeke quickly takes Kyla deep in yje cave then makes a fire.... ''there , heres a blanket.......''
Zeke blocks flash step. ''I can see you.....'' Zeke quickly starts to slash Jon......... ''Hmph'' occ: heh nice name
''That was foolish, noble but foolish, you should have waited until the storm ended''
''Make the first move kid lets see wat you got........'' occ: wat does it mean?
''Your gannah use your realesed form of your Zanpakto? *summons Hollow mask then pulls out Zanpakto* hehehehe I'll fight you only useing my hollow powers.... en garde''
''My guess is as good as yours , but what happened to you?''
wat bout Alexia Ashford? I hear that character is coming back.......
''Kyla? wat were you doing *puts hand over kyla's wing* SHADOW CURAGA!!!!!!'' Zeke healed Kyla's wing and restored her strength....... ''What happened?!?''
''If your not weak then fight me , I havent fought in a while you'll be a good warm up.......'' occ: plz ^^
''whats with the sudden insults? wat have I done to you?''
''awwwwwwww so romantic I may write a book about this........''
''Tor , how you doin mate?..................''
''awwwwwww how cute'' Zeke appered laying down on the ceiling ''kol trick huh? I use the shadows to hold me up''
this is my 2nd experiment (my 1st was the roxas vs axel experiment) do you guys think this song goes with the trailer? http://www.veoh.com/videos/v969988DE2PqqpH plz comment........
''Lets make another bet if I beat you in a clash of our Zanpaktos you'll tell me where your money is , if I lose you can take all of my money deal?'' occ: k l8er
''*sigh* I'll be in the Blizzard.....'' Zeke then walked outside.........
''What? grrrrrrrrr *hits Jon with his Zanpakto* hmph what are you doing with counterfeit money?''
took 10 more bucks out of Jon's pocket then runs off........ ''To the secret lair!!!!!!!!!''
gives Jon 20 dollars...... ''hmph c'mon lets go train , I hate the smell of humans.........''