''Heh , Kyla take me a run Jessica has Valkner's powers......''
not yet otherwise I would have used less gameplay scenes
http://www.veoh.com/videos/v988202bSeeGe2G Not much I want to say on this one , Just some clips from devil may cry 4 I put together.......uh enjoy
then a portal opened infront of Kyla...... {not a lot of energy only had enough to get KYla here to help}
Im Zack nice to meet you all.........
''Oni Giri? wats that?''
{No , if she attacks me then I'm done for , damn I have no energy left , c'mon somebody come help , anybody} occ: Oh yea , you also have a castle in the sky that floats on red clouds.....
occ: Intresting maybe you should submit it to pokecharms...... Zeke just appered behind Jon super fast...... ''Fire slash!!!!!'' attempted Zeke slashed Jon on his back
The blade disappered then Black aura shot out of Jessica......... ''My queen *kneels down* you now have total control of the Mortis and the shadows'' ''*shocked look* oh no Jessica send that power back now!'' ''Silence nave'' occ: use your imagination when you have shadow powers (shadow attacks , create shadow weapons , shadow creatures etc.) and ur still a snow elf so you still have your ice powers
occ: I think thats his Bankai's true form........BTW have you been gettin' database errors? Zeke gets hit then falls to his knees......... ''Its Time Okibi* gets up* SET A BLAZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *touches blade part of sword* BANKAI ,OKIBI SHAKAKU BLAZING ANGEL OF FIRE!'' Okibisplit into two swords then armor molded onto Zeke as red wings formed onto his back............ ''lets go Jon''
''you can have his power *takes Valkner's sword then give it to Jessica* pierce yourself with this , and all his power will be yours..........'' Zeke wakes up then looks at jessica....... ''y-your that g-girl , dont trust that Mortis no m-matter what........'' ''Jessica just pierce yourself dont listen to this trash hes the one that killed Valkner.....''
The Mortis took Jessica to where both Zeke and Valkner were KO'd......... ''as you can see it was a rough battle King Valkner could be on the brink of death...''
I'll watch it when the Chunin exam tournament starts (the 2nd one) but right know Im watching the sweet life of Zack and Cody...........
''Are you king Valkner's bride?'' a black Mortis helped Jessica from the ground........
Both Valkner and Zeke were tired.......... ''Hmph we both only have energy for one more attack.........with this blade I shall kill you.......'' Zeke then started to focus all of his energy into his blade......... ''I shall kill you then I shall kill your friends.........'' Valkner then started to focus his dark powers in his blade............ Zeke and Valkner ran torwards each other with aura surronding them , when they clashed there was a huge explosion that could be seen miles away...... The smoke cleared , Zeke stood over Valkner's motionless body..... ''The deed is done *looks up at the sky* the Mortis are next'' Zeke then fell....... ''Right after I take a quick nap''
''hmph this should be interesting , come make your move''
Character Name: Zeke Friend Code: 2964 5640 5156 Desired Pokemon: torchick , cydiquil Started with: Chimpchar Current Location: Pokemon league
Zeke and Valkner clashed in the sky creating huge shockwaves........ ''Geatsuga tenshou!!!!!!!!!!!*Zeke fires a black wave from his sword*'' ''Dark matter!!!*Valkner shoots a black energy ball*'' the attacks canceled each other out createing a huge explosion.......... ''*pants* grrrrrrrrrr'' Zeke multi slashes Valkner eventually cutting him....... ''Die!!!!!'' Valkner stabbed Zeke in his arm........ ''I viw to kill you and to protect my friends.........*white aura surronds zeke*'' ''When I kill you I'm going to put your head on a plaque *Black aura surronds Valkner*'' when Zeke and Valkner clashed ,they shoke the earth.
With every monster Zeke killed his anger increased. ''WHERE IS VALKNER???!!? , TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!'' ''Im right here.......'' ''Hmph *points sword at Valkner* from this day on your castle falls and your killing spree ends here!'' ''Hehehehe come nave(sp?)'' Zeke ran torwards Valkner then Valkner ran torwards him and when they clashed swords a huge shock wave that filled the area........ occ: Just in case I forgot to mention Valkner's castle is in the sky above red clouds....
Zeke goes threw the portal only to be greeted by a stampede of fierce Mortis demons............ ''OUT OF MY WAY!!!!!!!!!!! *draws red sword*'' occ: l8er ^^