that was the failed project , now their doing a totally new thing , so there wont be a Jackie Chan
Zeke walked up to the castle walls........... ''Theres a crystal in here huh? *starts to climb up the wall* lets have some fun''
''hmph ,FIRE-'' Zeke's blades started to glow bright red.......
thats something they made back in 2001 when they were going to make a soul caliber movie but they never did.......... heres the article
the long awaited battle has finnaly come.......
death note , thats an awsome anime
it looks.............ok I'll watch the episodes I belive its coming out sometime in 2008
hehehehehehe funny ''float away little butterfly just flutter away'' nice find I'll watch the other ones........
fighting him in normal was easy as pizza , but on proud mode he was a challenge
Zeke jumped off KYla's back ,he was limping as he walked torwards Valerie........ ''What are you suppose to be mrs.Valerie?''
I found this poster on the internet......... Im both excited and concerned , will this movie be good or bad.......... (poster came out on july 29 , 2007)
occ: I could have sworn Kuju put me on his back , peace-and-war did u edit that post? ''Kyla where are we going?'' Zeke said with his eyes closed...
Im not looking to trade right now but I'll battle........ Infernape : lvl 57 Starsptor: lvl 57 Dialga: lvl 56 Luxaray: lvl 62 Haunter: lvl 60 Gastrodon: lvl 55
Then Zeke had a nightmare......... ''SPIDERS SPIDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!'' Zeke then started to hit Kuju with rocks........
I'm 16 and love pokemon games ^^
Zeke fell asleep on Kyla drooling on here........ ''Sunshine , lollypops and gummy bears..........''
A Mortis followed Jessica threw the portal......... ''Master do you need help?*smiles*'' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''Flamer allow me to train you , Jessica's shadow powers shouldn't be taken lightly''
''Whats your name? Falmer? , you cant beat Jessica she has my brother's powers , I barely beat the guy , what makes you think you can beat her or even bring her back?''
''I can barely move, that match with Valkner was tough, he almost killed me'' occ: that 2
''Sorry Falmer *closes portal* Jessica is to powerful'' occ: yea wrong charecter eh?