occ: wats it's power?
occ: u havent posted in a while......
super special awsome idea ^^
HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! welcom to kh-vids.net ^^^^^^^^^^
bye bye 20 seconds.....what should I do now
NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where does milk come from
To tell you the truth I would have laughed at you HA!
ur awsome even if I dont kno u ^^
I found this awsome parody of naruto http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oL9giLZ82R0
that was the old project this is a totally new 1!!!!!!
''huh? no way , what magic is this?''
''wat the? what just hit me?'' Zeke withdrew his blade then took out his guns firing them at Storm......
occ: u or me go knocked ino he air
''I beg to differ'' Zeke jumped off the crystal , then attempted to slash Storm......
''Protecter huh? , looks like this wont be easy after all *draws blade* the names Zeke how you doin?'' occ: see ya gtg
Zeke dropped down from the ceiling and onto the crystal........ ''hmm? someone is here?, who might you be?''
how is this old news when the poster came out on the 29th -_- and i dug this up a week ago
Gaara is gannah come back to life, hes not dead............... I'd bring back Haku (hes so kol)
Ichirin No Hana, hands down
Zeke snuck threw a window , it led to a hallway......... ''To easy hehehehe *puts on x-ray goggles* crystal located......'' occ: is there a particular room that the crystal is in?