GOW duh! its an awsome game that beats KH in every aspect
Banned becuz.......theres school
banned 4 not having bleach in your sig
banned for being bashful
Banned for not being a genius
banned for being cheerful
banned for no reason wat so evr
banned for having your avi lick my screen :yelling:
http://www.gametrailers.com/player/24373.html A Wii game that looks intresting , I may check this one out. discuss: What do you think about the game?
banned for reaveling someones's name..........again
DSK your banned for saying silver is better than shadow...... and Kitty is banned for trying to stop a sheep invasion.........
banned 4 going shopping
banned for not having Utada Hikaru in ur sig..........(she is so hot ^^)
banned for banning my friend!!!
ur all banned for bringing ur moms into this.............
banned for asuming I was asuming disgusting things
banned for having masumoto in ur sig and avii (for obvious reasons hehehe)
banned for being hung ovr
banned because I ran out of reasons for banning u
banned for reaveling someones real name