What are you talking about Misty hun, this is still wonderful. :3 Keep it up.
:33 COOL BEANZ. Well hopefully I'll get better the next time around. D:
Sure, go right ahead. :3 Use anyone you like.
I know what you want *goes to rep* :3 How do you feel now. ? c:
:3 Sorry hun, I just thought it'd look cooler if the Sasuke eyes were darker. :/
:> I'm fine. *yawns* A little tire and what not :3 You ?
Hey you :3
:3 Sorry hun, I was basically saying
I'm alright, hey I just made some new avy sets, check them out. :3
Decided to make some Naruto Avys today. :3 I think I did good on them for the least. Tell me what you think of them :3 Am I that good with manga Coloring, my gosh, it's unbelievable.
Same here. I'm going to use # 9 if you wouldn't mind Doll. :3
How are you. ? :3
Practice a little bit more on your Manga coloring. :O :3
Alex Looks good in this pic misty. :3 He's my all time fav EMO.
Thanks Cody :3 I'll make more by tonight. :>
lol. Anyways, I'm making you a Riku set, be happy :3
:3 I think it's wonderful. And.. you added wings to him. Nice job Strawberry, keep practicing and you'll get better along the way. :>
Cool Man, your profile looks better than before. :3 Riku picture looks better as well on your profile. :>
Oh! Well, Let me check to see if I have more stored on my PC. :3