Hai there Daytonafathead! =3
I'm still here though =3
When I beat Sephiroth for the first time, it was so awesome! =D
I personally like the Kingdom Key, it's pretty awesome!
I like Scorpion, but didn't Sub-Zero get his own game? o:
I just thought he talked about the keyblade as a "he"...
I like the funny horror movies, like Bad Taste, and Black Sheep =3
I must be at the wrong place then, I thought this was the mall...
You just proved my point there, buddy. =3
Zelda games are to advanced for my small brain D:
I never really got why so many people hated Vivi, he's awesome!
You should have taken Something_Epic yourself =D
And you're telling us this... Why again?
Oh, heya OWH =D
Cloud, Auron, Vivi and Tifa... Yupp that's it =3
If her name is Xion then what was her human name? Nio? Ion? Oin? Noi? o:
Uh... Sora I guess, even if don't resemble him.
Uh... What would be the point? And about being able to view the staff section, you do know that the staff discusses secret things that nobody else are supposed to see, right? I say no...
Heya, have fun here at KH-Vids and stay active! =)
I hate how in KH2 you can defeat any enemy with your eyes closed! D<