Yeah right now with my friends... LONG STORY... Have you ever got out to public naked? =3
Le Gasp! O.O Well I do understand why you think that. He did betray Sora in KH1,but he came back to 'the light side' by the end of KH2. Also,due to the whole 'Everyone <3 Riku' trend,I bet it's annoying to you... But I still love him! X3
Welcome back then? ...Anyway! Hope you can stay and wait until the new games come out! Follow the rules, participate in some roleplays, and just have fun! =3
I don't mind them...unless they go into 'Santa' Stage... Don't make me explain that.... >.<
I knew this a LONG time ago. My sister would spend hours (Literally!) just looking at Kairi's underwear,lauughing. O.o It annoys me whenever I even hear the phrase 'Kairi's Undies' -.-
>> << Yeah... Just go to this link...
There there! *pat's back* Ish that better? =3 I kinda knew since the beginning too. I just kinda forgot... >> << *Cheers on* You shall make the world (KH-Vids...) a better place, CtR!
I remember that I was trying out my Sweet 16's dress (No, I'm not one of those bratty girls from 'My Super Sweet 16' Xo) when my mom noticed a hole one my dress on the bottom. She went and tried sewing it back on and the next thing I know, I was laying on my bed with an icepack on my head. O.o P.S.= My mom already bought the dress before this happening. We were at my aunt's house.
Pink is the awsomest! =3 Be careful when around bulls,though. Many bulls are confused between pink and red... >> <<
I'll sign because... Well... I got nothing better to do... :\ *sign*
>.> <.< Yeah well people in 1996 predicted this to happen! Now it's ten times worse than that!
Bathmophobia- Fear of stairs or steep slopes. (Climacophobia) [Just stairs...] Coprastasophobia- Fear of constipation. [ XD True!] Didaskaleinophobia- Fear of going to school. [ Who isn't?] Hellenologophobia- Fear of Greek terms or complex scientific terminology. [ X3 That's why I'm Didaskeleinophobia!] Ichthyophobia- Fear of fish. [In my opinion,they creep me out!] Yeah...
Piscis here! Besides teh orange part,it's totally me! SHAA!!! =3 The red totally matches!!
Well let's see... Both of my parents were born in Honduras... My mom's dad was from Spain,while her mom was from Kenya. My dad's dad was also from Honduras,was raised in France,then came back to Honduras.His mom was from Russia(specifically where,I don't know...) And I was born in America! =3
Woah! I'm older than ze internet by a month! BEAT THAT INTERNET!! =3 But seriously,15 years? Wow...
Just do what I said before and go to McDonalds,flip some burgers,and use the money to buy edible food... >.<
I pretty much loved everyone! (Yes,even Mello... >> << ) Out of all of them,though,I'm obessed with Ryuk and L... O.O Don't make me explain!
I read it with my class somewhere in January. It's really good,in a weird depressing way. It may be a little suspensful,but you'll survive!
...I totally forgot about this thread! It's been a while since I was here... Riku turned into a kitty?!? Le gasp! O.O I bet he's the cutest,though! -3-
I don't really think that Kingdom Hearts will make a HSM world. One,because there is no villain in the musical. Two,there is no true plot in it. Three,well...Sora doesn't really benefit in singing with whats-their names. Atlantica ws an excuse because you 'battle' Ursula... HSM is a little annoying.They are the same as Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers,They're not that bad,just too much advertisement,toys,ect. Disney just needs to calm down!