Poor you! *pats back* Have you tried unistalling iTunes first delete it completely from your computer, then install it again. If it still doesn't work, tattletail on it to the Apple staffs. O.O
Purple! It's the new pink! ;]
First, what you should do is talk to your friend about your feelings. If he is 'calm, quite cool and smart', I bet that he'll find more girls later on, since most girls go for the cool and smart guys. Also see if the girl even LIKES you. It would be quite messed up if you have done lots of things, all for her to tell you that she doesn't like you. Start talking to her. Talk about schools, what you guys have in common. If you do get some hints about her liking you, then go from there. =3
When I first heard Bynx I thought of Jynx. >.< Anyway, Midnight or Moonlight. Anything related to night. O.O
*finishes tea* There. Wasn't that a grand! X3 During the summer I would: a. sleep ( summer hibernation =3 ) b. Go to Disney World ( I live close by it ) c. Go to New York O.O What about you guys?
There there! *hugs* What I'm suggesting is: -When in school, just try avoiding those that you know will bully you. Many people bully to feel bigger and better. :\ If one does aproach you and you can't really escape, just act calm. If it were me, I would start messing with their heads. For Example: (Bully and You ) "Hey! You suck!" "Yes, I suck so much that I would waste my time bullying a kid." Then walk away! =3 - With your sisters, leave their space. They are probably messing around with you so that you'll leave them alone. I ( Unfortunately ) have 4 older sisters and a younger sister. My older sisters don't even notice me due to me leaving them alone. My younger sister, though, is ALWAYS around me, so I would usually say mean things to her and stuffs... O.O If your sisters are still tormenting you, just do what I said about bullies in schools. =3 P.S.= You could have put this in the 'Help With Life' thread. Lot's of people are there to help people.
Now you are thinking about dogs. =3 That, or your not thinking at all... O.O
There! i fixed it! =3
Happy Birthday! *throws a big cake in your face* Sorry about that! >.<
It's your birthday? Le gasp! *Throws sprinkles in the air* I don't even talk to you much... but I should at least say happy b-day! =3
I picked 9 and he said 9 too... Le Gasp! He's our new leader! *bows down*
O.O I did not move my cursor over... * cogh* Not true *cough* You got me there...
Wow... I want to name my child Sum Ting Wong! It sounds smexy! X3
Phew! I thought at first it was my computer... Thanks!
I love them! They changed the lead singer, I heard. My best friend showed me this song in the beggining of school, and I immidietly fell in love.
*huggles* I love it! You really are the best!
...Eh? http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u91/gerlertfav2005/1474335314_l.jpg A picture of my baby brothers! http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u91/gerlertfav2005/m_e1539690a37c72a53892103151910215.jpg I started drawing on my leg... I don't know why... http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u91/gerlertfav2005/03-18-08_1503.jpg ... I was distracted by a fly... XP
XD Probably you met me! I live in Nottellingyou, Florida! But in total seriousness, you should at least give it a chance! Which part of Florida, though?
XD I lol'ed big time! What about Emo Barbie? Does that go with Suicidal Barbie? O.O
O.o GDVXIZ ? Where did you find that?