Hmm...I've seen her before... Can't remember where,though... From Inuyasha? O.O
Aww... Kitty! ...Anyway! What I'm suggesting you to do is leave the kitty to someone you can trust when going out. A friend, maybe? About your mom, tell her that it's YOUR kitty, not hers. She shouldn't take other people's stuffs, which I bet is illegal. Besides, tell her that you can take care of the cat, to trust you. About your brother, well just don't leave the kitty to him. One day, your brother might not want to give him/her back to you and may... well... cause some problems to the kitty. Let him pet the kitty once in a while so that your mom doesn't start saying stuffs like "You're selfish" "You don't want to share the kitty!" "You don't care about your brother. :\
X3 Yes, I'm a girl. I don't really know if ALL girls like this, but I like it when people compliment me. That means that I'm worthy enough to be known. :D Also, it's quite cute when guys say that I'm 'cute' and how they say it! I'm a sucker at shy guys! XD What I'm advicinf you to do is become close friends, then start flirting with her! Don't say any of those corny pick-up line (The most 2...).
O.o Where do you live? Where I am, the sun is burning us alive by being about 90 degrees... (well, that's what I get for living in the Sunshine state...)
XD That reminds me! Last year, me and my friends were bored in my bus. We already left school and the bus driver takes a while to leave us at or house. When the bus stopped on a red light, we spotted a guy riding his bike. Boredom got to us and we started barking at him. As he rode away, he flipped the bird at us! XD
Avatar- 8.5/10 (Funny, though. X3) Sig 1- 8/10 Sig 2- 8.5/10 P.S.- *pokes avatar* It's not that good... I think I already know the rating... :\
"Le Gasp!" or "Raggles Flagger!" or "Turkey Oil!" and sometimes I would talk like this: "So-ith, would you-ith like-ith to go-ith and study-ith?" =3 ...I'm known in my school to randomly shout during class/lunch and make up words. :D Isn't that cute? =3 Tisn't it cute? =3
Don't wait until your Junior year! Just take her out somewhere BESIDES school, like to a movie theater. It doesn't really matter if you guys have the same classes or not, just if you guys can actually meet each others before school, lunch, and/or after school. I'm actually dating a guy that goes to a different high school. We have about 8 months now... but never mind me! =3 If she is a quiet person, then that's great! You both have something in common! Just go ahead and learn more about each other a little more! *wink* wink* Go talk to the guy! Maybe he needed a little space... That or he didn't feel a connection. :\ If you are going to talk to him, then first ask that he is acting like a 'best friend' would. Secondly, ask him if it's true about the whole 'liking you, but not anymore' thing. He probably has the answer. XD It's (somewhat) normal for someone to feel like 'running away'. Just relax. If he's a lost cause, then look for other guys. There are probably millions of other guys out there that you will like, you just need to go out and look for them. =3 *cough* Introduce me to him *cough* :D Pretty much ALL my friends are like that. Find something else to talk about. What she wants to do when she leaves high school, if she's going to college, which one? Just find out stuffs and look for something that you both like to do. Most girls like to be complimented, so compliment her now and then. For example: "Wow! Your really great at ----! I wish I was as smart like you!" or something related to that. :]
XD That happens to me alot! O.o That must mean I'm insane... You know you're insane if you start jumping up and down on your desk because you're 'Bored'.
What I'm suggesting is hang on! If the people around you TRULY cannot, well, help you, just leave the place. Run away or something. :\ Go stay in a friend's house, but don't tell your parents that you are. If they STILL don't care much about you even if you leave, go get a lawyer! >.< ... All I'm saying is that you have to stand up for yourself! Fight back. I don't really know what is happening in your life, but there are millions of people that can help you! =3
O.o Anyway... You know when your insane if you go out skinny dipping in a frozen lake. -_- My friend tried it once, let's just say it didn't turn out well...
I see you in every thread possible! I'm saying it in a good way! >> << @axel ftw I just LOVE your two Riku siggies! =3 @ daxma
I've heard of National Pizza Day (don't remember when), but I've never heard of National Hamburger Day... P.S.- How dare you not like pudding! >.< They ish the best. Third to cookies and cupcakes. =3
Somehow reminds me of Soul Caliber... O.o I would totally go out and get this game if you make it! =3
I thought the exact same thing... Any staff care to close this thread. :/
I see people writing in white... including me! Le Gasp!