Wow! Your theory is incredible. I bet if Nomura waould see this he'll think,"Oh no! They found out!", or something... :\ Anyway, I have not thought of that before... The only question I have is why they didn't show any Heartless or Nobodies during Terra's time and why aren't those new enemies during KH-KH2.
Oh god... I feel bad now... Everytime I go to a thread, Soku is always there. From what I have read from his post, he was a nice guy... God I wish that I can go back in time or something and actually get to KNOW him... ...Well, at least he's free from this terrible place we call Earth. May you rest in peace, dude.
You probably copy-pasted the wrong picture... ...But still! *pats back* I bet you has been scared for life. O.O
XD I thought that too! =3 He probably is in diguise as an old man! O.O
*hugs* Happy Birthday! Good thing your new friends at least sang you happy birthday! =3
O.O *stare at giant spoon* Phew! I'l hold onto my mouth so that it won't eat it...
I'm sorry! T_T It was too delicious! Don't kill meh!
I had the blue one yesterday...but my sister ate it all! T.T And I never even tried it...
Head start graduation? Like at the beginning of school? O.O And you'll be okay! Graduation was one of the best events of my life ever! When I graduated in middle school last year, we all went and celebrated in Disney! =3 Aww, those good ol' days... T.T I feel like I'm getting old...
*takes out empty plate* Happy Birthday DPwolf!! Sorry about the empty plate there... It was suppose to be a cake for you, but I ate it... O.O Here's a plate of cookies instead! *puts endless bowl of cookies on a random table* :D
When I first started KHV, I thought that everyone's siggy was part of their post... *shudders at the thought of me being a noob* I'm used to reading everyone's text on their sig, but almost never click on the links.
Well I'm also in 9th grade... 3 more days until I'm a sophomore! >3< @timeless- Without counting Kindergarten, then yes. Here in the U.S., 7th grade is considered your 7th year but if you count Kindergarten, then it's your 8th year...
@_@ My brain had just exploded from nostalgia. Pokemon, how do I miss you! (Well, I pretty much have all the pokemon games, but each one has a glitch, except for Diamond/Pearl... T.T)
XD It makes me laugh somehow. I'm so used to her singing her J Pop and Green Day with Punk Rock. She did good, just a little ehh. O.O
^^ *looks up to the two first posts* Well, someone who lives in the desert and/or a desert-like place. (God, I wish it rained here where I live... Stupid Florida... -_- )
*Huggles CtR* I remember that you wer one of my first friends ever here oon this site! ^_^ *tear* All those days where life wasn't that stressful. I'm not on KHV that much nowaday due to school, social life, some drama here and there... :\
>> << Is the thread in pieces? Ya know, exploded? O.O I've never seen a bomb so quiet and un-explosive in my life!
Banned for scaring all the children in this website! >> <<
XD I got a kick on that! >> << Don't kick meh! >.< Anyways, I duns count as a noob, right? I've been here a LONG time ago... About 2 years to be exact! =3
Opening Sceen- Get Ready To Rokk By Freezepop Waking Up- Last Resort By Papa Roach (Wow... Waking up to 'Cut my life into pieces'.) First Day of School- This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race by Fall Out Boys (XD) Falling in Love- Our Time Now By Plain White T's Prom- Grace Kelly By Mika First Battle- Rockstar By Nickleback Breaking Up- Kiss Kiss By Chris Brown Ft T Pain Mental Breakdown- Black Hole Sun By Sound Garden (:P Matches perfectly! ) Getting Back Together- I Will Always Love You By Whitney Houston Birth of a Child- Vogue By Madonna (...I don't even know why it's in my iPod...) Final Battle- Real To Me ByNichole Nordeman Death Sceen- Wonderful Night By Fat Boy Slim (XD I'm leaving the world to a club in heaven! ) Ending/Credits- With You By Chris Brown