I laughed! I think the Spiderman 3 and PotC 2 are funnier. O.O
People have high expectations on some characters that they think 'ARE THE GREATEST'. *sighs* Many people follow blindly towards invicible characters/people...
A bird for some unknown reason... A pigeon to be exact!
It depends. If the two games that come with the 40-GB PS3 sucks, then go with the 80-GB one, and vice-versa. What are the games?
HOLY SHIZZLE MA NIZZLE! That thing's huge!!!!1!!!1111one!!! Get the refrigerator and squish it!
And also a video... http://darkxide.deviantart.com/art/Organize-THIS-Episode-5-1-71101854
I can speak, write, and talk Spanish and English fluently. French I'm somewhat good at it. Now I'm studying Japanese, I only know the basic.
Sora. O.O Somebody probably stoled his Keyblade and he wanted revenge... *kicks keyblade under the bed* I don't have it!
What happened to grey? There there. *pats grey crayon*
Well I have a Garchomp, Flygon, Torterra, Aggron, Giratina, Rayquaza, Gardevoir, Lucario, Palkia, Altaria, Blaziken, Ludicolo, and Luxray. I would switch around pokemon here and there, depending on the battles and stuffs. I don't feel like putting all of their stats because I'm too lazy. =3
Eat so much food that you turn HUMONGOUS and go into hibernation like bears... That or watch TV for all eternity. :/
Woah! I would just s**t my pants if that happens to me! I wonder if the 50 lizards and 2942 spiders saw the girl... What were you guys doing walking THAT far away from civilization? And how did you guys had signal for your friend's laptop? O.O O.o Very descriptive there. I bet it felt lonely and fell in love with your door. =3 I've had one experience with ghosts before. I even heard one two days ago...
*looks at your name* Mc-Mc-mcech... *explodes due to complicated name*
Laughs popped in my head due to your quote on your siggy! =3 'I should meet this guy!' also popped in my head.
I thought the exact same thing. Que te paso, XJayn? (What happened?)
That's basically what I look for, too. *laughs nervously* There, there! *pats back* That guy that left you have missed out something totally awshome! :D
It is possible! If the world was dictated by a guy/girl that likes the number 13, he'll/she'll force us to put a thirteenth month. What it would be called, I don't know. O.O
We don't know what's going on Nomura's head! ;] And besides, he probably thought them up YEARS ago, just didn't felt like putting them on the first game... That or he wanted suspense...
I believe she lost her heart shortly before Sora came into the cave. She must have been attacked by a heartless, lost her heart from her body, and her heart flew to Sora and caused their hearts to INFUSE!! Probably when she lost her heart during the attack, her body stayed in Destiny Island when it got engulfed into darkness. Since she was one of those princesses blah-blah-blah, her body survived and somehow got to another world and was found by Malifecent/Riku. O.O