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  1. gerlert_fav2005
    I saw the banned episode of Jynx. It doesn't have anything racist! Probably some overly racist person thought that Jynx was some kind of 'slave'(Which she/he wasn't.Jynx actually saved Ash and the others! O.o) and started telling people about it,making them protest about it.That lead to Jynx turning purple! That is my theory...
    Post by: gerlert_fav2005, Apr 30, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  2. gerlert_fav2005
    Iron it!
    Be careful not burning it into crisp!
    But for real,I don't know.
    I suggest you doing what Xegreny said!
    Post by: gerlert_fav2005, Apr 30, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. gerlert_fav2005

    I have it in red! I wuv it! You open up on the sides and turns into a keyboard,so that you know.
    It has:
    -A camera
    -A phone
    Post by: gerlert_fav2005, Apr 30, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. gerlert_fav2005
    Everywhere you look,there is probably something sexual,even in the TV. It has been the way of life since man have invented the condom. >> <<
    Post by: gerlert_fav2005, Apr 30, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  5. gerlert_fav2005
    If you use a spatula as a flyswatter THEN use it to cook. =3
    Post by: gerlert_fav2005, Apr 30, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. gerlert_fav2005
    Here's the deal. About your friends,try not to be so paranoid! Try seeing their point of views and go talk to them about your life.They will probably understand your ordeal(Yes even those jerks that says that all that is 'girl talk'). Try not fighting them.Just think what thing you'll probably have after the fights,bassically nothing positive. Besides,your frineds would probably leave you behind if you don't speak up.
    As to your mom,try making her sit down and speak your mind.Just try not talking to her when she's drunk(She'll probably forget the talk and/or get sick due to the beers).Tell her how it's hard to find a job,how you would like to see her out of alcoholism(Yes I made it up! =3),and start telling her pretty much everything.
    Your dad,just have a one-on-one time together to a place that you KNOW that he will not resist going to! There you cab tell him how much you tried talking to him,even though it lead you there.He'll probably give you advices of how to have a better life .
    As for your job,try looking for a job that you KNOW that will be interesting for you.Pick a type of job that you would like and get a small job first(McDonalds,Burger King,Janitor,Ect.). Don't get distracted from the real life and just concentrate on what you have to do while working. For example,you can't just go and start talking about going to a club while on register duties at a supermarket. Think of what makes you hireless(Another made-up word! Forgive me! >.<),maybe how you talked to the boss,your attitude,ect. Change THAT around and maybe you'll get a job. When you get better on the business,start thinking of moving out,even if it's a rented apartment in Downtown. Later on in life,you'll see that it will benefit you!

    >.< Wow! That is alot that I wrote,so feel lucky that I wasted 10 minutes writing this for you. You better use my advice!! =3
    Post by: gerlert_fav2005, Apr 30, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. gerlert_fav2005
    ... I wonder if they have the same evil laughter. O.O
    Post by: gerlert_fav2005, Apr 27, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. gerlert_fav2005
    Le Gasp!!!

    *Dun dun dun*!!

    Run away everyone!
    Post by: gerlert_fav2005, Apr 26, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. gerlert_fav2005

    Why do most australians say crickey anyway? O.o
    Post by: gerlert_fav2005, Apr 26, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. gerlert_fav2005
    Eek! Sorry,I meant Xigbar! I guess I was distracted by your Saix when writing my last post... :sweatdrop:
    Post by: gerlert_fav2005, Apr 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. gerlert_fav2005
    >> <<
    May I join as either Xemnas or Saix? O.O
    Post by: gerlert_fav2005, Apr 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. gerlert_fav2005
    I wouldn't think that their parents are dead(well at least Sora's mom)

    Before the Heartless attacked Destiny Islands in KH1,You could clearly hear Sora's mom calling him to 'come for dinner'. O.o
    Besides,if their parents were dead,then,like how Repliku said,would have a huge burden to have. :\
    Post by: gerlert_fav2005, Apr 26, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. gerlert_fav2005
    I don't have anything against her,just the world has to step off of her for one second. Everywhere you look,you see Hanna Montana...It gets rather annoying. But besides that,I don't mind. O.o
    Post by: gerlert_fav2005, Apr 25, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  14. gerlert_fav2005
    Now that my hand's healed,I'm eating crackers!! =3
    Post by: gerlert_fav2005, Apr 25, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. gerlert_fav2005
    I'm actually eating Chicken soup with one hand!

    I burned my right hand with the spoon!! T.T
    Post by: gerlert_fav2005, Apr 25, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. gerlert_fav2005
    Well I just had a dream that when I was turning on my computer and started to put my log-in stuffs,it got shut down and my computer started turning into a dragon! I was screaming my head off until Sora came out of nowhere and yelled,"I SHALL SLAY YOU DRAGON!!!" but the dragon stepped on him... O.o

    But dreams about KHV,no. O.O
    Post by: gerlert_fav2005, Apr 24, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. gerlert_fav2005

    I'm not a huge fan of Dawn,as you can see... She seems rather...lost,than the other Pokemon girls.
    Post by: gerlert_fav2005, Apr 23, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. gerlert_fav2005


    I sall workship this bideo forever!! X3
    Post by: gerlert_fav2005, Apr 23, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. gerlert_fav2005
    Let me go on order:

    1) I like it,but it kinda looks a little akward. The sidewalk in the middle made the picture look a little tilted,that's why. XP

    2)This one caught my eye,especially the random light in the middle!

    3)I like it! A great angle to take that picture.The only distracting thing is the trees on the sides.Cutting some of the sides of the picture would make it better.

    4)Did you go to Washington D.C.? I think I saw that somewhere there. Besides the random people walking here and there,I love it!

    5)I like it,but in my opinion,it's a little too close. Well I guess that's what it give it's uniqueness. =3

    6) It looks creepy!! I tried it out write now and when you flip the picture,there is almost no difference! XD

    7) I love it!! But just one advice for this picture,you should crop out the upper right corner. It's just empty there...

    8) This is probably my favorite so far! The picture describe itself,so you won't be expecting any critisism from me on this picture.

    Keep up with they good work!!
    Post by: gerlert_fav2005, Apr 23, 2008 in forum: Discussion