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  1. Soku

    In my eyes, everyone has potential.
    Post by: Soku, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Soku
    Don't know, probably isn't, but.........
    Post by: Soku, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Soku
    Hmmm, I'm not so sure if you should be posting this. And BTW, it's alright.

    Misty! Yours hurt my eyes.D:
    Post by: Soku, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Soku
    Amen to that.>_> I even put in my movie, that we should get use it. I remember, people didn't like the other skin that much at the beggining either, but everyone got use to it.
    Post by: Soku, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Soku
    Now that I have everyones attention. *coughs* I shall make a movie, and don't be afraid to critisize.....I spelt that wrong didn't I? Well, atleast i'm not that rusty. I dedicated this to Muffin, hopefully to cheer her up.:rockdover:


    *In the Spamzone*

    Soku:*opens the door* Woot! Everyone I liv- WTF?! Ahhh My Eyes!!!*Collapses*

    Deathspank: Hah, the trap worked, get him!*drags Soku off*

    *In a hidden room*

    Soku: Uhhh.....what happened?

    Mish: Wow, so it did work, maybe we should try this on some noobs.

    Soku: Wha? Hey, why am I tied up?!

    Darkandroid: Well Soku, since you dissapeared, we decided that when you came back we should set a trap. Everyone thought it wouldn't work, but that was before they saw the new skin.

    Soku: You did this for me?

    Misty: Yup, and now everyone hates you.

    Darkwatch: They will probably also send you a bunch of hospital bills.

    Soku: For what?

    Zexion of the Twilight: Most claimed they've gone blind, or stated that they will sue us until they get a higher status.*looks at Madiyasha*

    Madi: I said nothing of the sort.*gives Soku a bill* You'll hear from my lawyer you son of a witch.

    Soku:*rubs eyes* But my moms not a witch.

    Madi: Who said it had to be your mom?

    HigherBeing: Madi, a witch is like a woman magician.

    Madi: Your point?

    JellyBeing: So, if you were talking about his dad you would have said warlock.

    Madi: I don't understand.

    #1 DinestyX: *pulls out a chart*

    Libregkd: Yeah, imma go get a soda.

    O R A N G E: Yeah get me one, make it orange.

    Libregkd: Heck no, you pay for your own crap.

    O R A N G E: Orange Soda is not crap.


    O R A N G E: What?

    Libregkd: Well why does it have to be Orange Soda?

    O R A N G E: Son of a warlock.(Madi in background: *****)

    Soku: Did you guys start taking medicine when I left?

    Catch the Rain: Why do you ask?

    #1 DinestyX: Hey Madi! Give me back meh stick!

    Madi: Thou shall not have thou stick back.....thou!

    Jube: So why does it have to be a wit-

    Spitfire: Warlock.

    Jube: Whatever! I mean, can't it be like, son of a handsome prince named Jube.

    Muffin: Because that would mean 1. You have a son and 2. You were handsome.

    Jube: Exactly, finnaly someone gets me!

    NRa: And yet you still whine about not watching your daily Dragon Tails.

    Ghetto: That's Tale foo!

    Nra: You would know too. And why must your name look so complicated now?

    !: Because it's hip, amirite?

    O R A N G E: *slams into Rockin Roxas*

    Rockin Roxas: Ow, watch it! No wonder you're an orange, you are so fat you roll.

    Libregkd: Hah! And it's true!

    Twilight Night: So are you guys cousins?

    JellyBeing: Why do you ask?

    HigherBeing: Yeah, we are nothing alike.

    AntiWeapon: Dude, give me my christmas hat back!

    Evil_Man: Not until you give me those codes!

    Dark Roxas: Hey man, I finnaly have a answer to that Jimmy cracked corn.

    Jube: First of all, I think everyone got it wrong. I think it was, Jimmy did crack and no one cares.

    Dark Roxas: Why?

    Jube: Because they did it too! It's so simple

    Sara: Now, do not drop the christmas tree. I want it right in the middle of the spam room.

    Fayth: Can' Oops! Sorry Sara!*smiles*

    Kitty:*high fives Fayth* Remember, this was an accident always.....hey you!

    La Sofa:*runs* I swear I didn't see anything!

    Soku: Do you still want to know why I think you guys have drinken too much eggnog?

    Catch the Rain: Well actually, DS has banned eggnog, but it is a secret.......oh snap.


    Deathspank: Heh, well, it's nasty, and it looks like something very disturbing.

    Maria: Like what?

    Deathspank: Milk.

    Rat: But milk is good....if ya know what I mean.

    Ghetto: Yup, it is good, deppending on where it comes from.*high fives Rat*

    Xaldin: I don't understand.

    Ryuuga: C'mon Xaldin, let's go for a walk.....

    Soku: Yeeeeaaahh.....I think I will take another vacation.....

    Sorax: Good luck with that.

    Soku: Huh?

    VGN:*puts a santa hat on Soku* Sorry to tell you, but we drugged you.

    Soku: O_O

    Ienzo: Yup, this is just to keep you from going away again.

    Pure Beasts: And if that doesn't work, we could always use the Death Note.

    Soku: That would mean you would have to kill me!D:

    Soush: Exactly.

    Roxas: Oh don't scare him, we just found new ways to use it. Like we can wack people with it.

    Saxilesm: >_> And, we can write down names, and instead of killing them, we can make them do whatever we want.

    Rosey: For an example.*Writes DS name in* Feed meh!

    Deathspank:*eyes turn blue* Yes mistress of the earth.*gives her a cookie*

    Soku: You guys missed me that much huh? I feel flattered..........and scared at the same time.

    RVR: Just think of it like this.*everyone crowds around him* You ain't goin anywhere, so you better get use to the look Nancy. Quite yer whining.

    Soku: Then why are you wearing shades?

    RVR: Because I pwn like that.*walks away whistling*

    *Suddenly the Spamzone door opens*

    Shadowjak: Hey guys, look who I found!

    Tallian: Ow my eyes!


    Deathspank: Get the pills......

    Tallian: Hey, why is there blood under that tree?
    Thread by: Soku, Dec 20, 2007, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Soku
    Ftl?O.o; Arcade?O_O When Have we had this?
    Post by: Soku, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Soku
    That's because they changed it up, it was originally called:

    Jimmy does **** and we parents care.
    Post by: Soku, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Soku
    Lol, I don't know, it matches her avvy.
    Post by: Soku, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Soku

    Now you two, stop it with this nonsense or i'll pour maple on you.D<
    Post by: Soku, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Soku
    *claps* lmao
    Post by: Soku, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Soku


    Lou Lare Luppose Lo Lart Leverything Lith Le Letter L....................D:
    Post by: Soku, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Soku
    :ninja: Bow Chicka Bow Bow


    Post by: Soku, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Soku
    Does that count for me too?D:
    Post by: Soku, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Soku
    Heh, you didn't give me much to remember...............:rockdover:
    Post by: Soku, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Soku


    Breaks? You mean we get breaks?!D:
    Post by: Soku, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Soku
    I love you too man!:rockdover:
    Post by: Soku, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Soku


    Ah Rose, I think I know how to cheer you up....
    Post by: Soku, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Soku
    I wouldn't dare leave everyone again. I was much safer on the computer.XD
    Post by: Soku, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Soku
    lol, hai Kitty.^_^
    Post by: Soku, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Soku
    Maybe if you close your eyes......
    Post by: Soku, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone