Yeah, cause most everything good on Youtube has been taken off due to copyright infringement, which is why everyone is either asking, or giving the creator credit by saying so in their video description. Seriously, in this case, you'll be fine.
Well, there have been some cases where someone owned a DVD, copied it, and then sold them copies. So even if it is yours, there are still some rules you have to apply to. Just to sound record the song off the game is alright, but be careful with other stuff you do. Just ask if you need any other advice.
Eats peoples hats.
Dang, Sora 13 took my spot.XD Anyways, I say Tootsie....and TCO, wait. *panics*
Coolio we're a group.
I will brag about it like I did last year. XD
Lol, that should become a catch phrase. So yeah, happy late birthday, or whatever.>.> SSBB rules!....I guess.
What do you mean by gone?..:huh:
Yeah, I wasn't here yet
Rawr, fine then Crono, but they all come back.....>.> <.< See ya Mr. C King
Lol, man it's my time to be blunt. You guys are weird. XD White Rock seems to be nervous about what he says, Cronoking wants some orange juice or something, and Kingdom945 can't find the humor in this. I surely can though. :p BTW, ghetto, for the time that I've known you, you didn't seem that bad, until I played halo.......
Looks cool, not too many colors though, can't wait to see the other one. What can I say, i'm not that much of an expert, but can't really give anything. You did this when you were bored, and to put it still do better than I do. ^_^
Hey all, just wanted to drop by and say merry christmas!^_^ Plus, I have a present I want to give right quick. Notice: There will be lack of alot of members.*had to type fast* ---------------------------------------------------------- *december 24* Sara: I am very dissapointed in you. Deathspank: It's not my fault! Soku: Well I can't really explain.... Deathspank: See! Confession! Soku: Shut yer dang flap jacks. You are to blame too Sara. Sara: Me?! RoxasvsRiku:*yawns* He's right, you didn't even by anybody anything. ZotT: You do know that you... RVR: Yeah I know! I've just drunken too much eggnog. Deathspank: Hey, what did I say about that?! CtR: Hey all, I got the rapping paper ready...where are the presents? Soku:*looks the other way* Deathspank:*looks at the nearest exit* Sara:*raises an eyebrow* RVR: Why you gotta look at me?*drinks more eggnog* CtR: You know, christmas is very special to me, just like how babes are to Soku. Soku: Don't use me as an example, and that isn't true......wait. !: Dude, didn't know you were like that. Spike: I'm done sharing eggnog with you. Deathspank: Stop it with the god dang eggnog! Tallian: Don't use those kinds of words on christmas! Now give me my presents or i'll ***** ****** you friggin **** Deathspank:*sniffs* That hurts. CtR: So what happened? Soku: Well what had happened was- Shadowjak: Oh freak it, i dropped the presents on a highway. Soku: I tried to go get them back, but a car ran over was Deathspank. CtR:-_- Deathspank: Hey, I didn't feel like riding in a private jet. Sara: A what?! Xaldin: Yeah, I took them in the private jet we had from last christmas. Sara: Oh my go- the frickin store is right down the street! Soku: Yeeaahh......we flew to Antartica. Trigger: Antartica FTW!!! Rosey:WTF?! Soku: I know, it's just that Kitty wanted to surf with some penguins like in the movies. Kitty: Wha- that's not true! I wanted to surf with some sea lions too. Rosey: But I don't understand....*vein pops* Soku: I know, we're sorreh!D: Rosey: You better be, how could you guys go without me.?! VGN: what the? There's a period next to the question mark. Rosey:............You know, I think I might add you onto my list. VGN: Is it a sexy list? Soku: Probably isn't, I didn't see my name. Deathspank: Strangely mine was on there. Sara: Oh god, please help us. HigherBeing: Yeah, they are beyond his help. Santa: HO HO HO!!! !: Oooh, where are the hoes? Santa:*sleigh lands on !* Ghetto: Great, another fake Santa. Santa: And the elfs back home wonder why you have been on my naughty list. CtR: Oh gosh, it's Santa! Soku: Wait, aren't you alittle old to believe in him? CtR: But he's standing right here. Darkwatch: Probably another hobo, if you were really Santa, you could........kill Cin. Santa: Okay then. Cin: That's it, you're all getting a lump of shmol.*dies of a heart attack* Darkwatch: Wait, anybody could do that. If you were really Santa, you could actually get a date with an old member named Alice. Santa: But we're going out tonight. Roxas: Hey wait, anybody could do that.....wait. Darkwatch: Alright, this is the ultimate challenge, if you were Santa, you could take over KHV. Santa: It shall be done. Soku: Y'know, I try to think of the reason I ever came back. *15 minutes later, KHV has been Santafied, and all the members are elves.* Darkwatch: Okay, I think this dude is Santa now, who believes so too?...........mama no!!!!! *The rest of the story is too graphic, so I can't tell you how Darkwatch gets beat up......let's just say the color red will probably be his most hated color now, assuming that he will see it for a very long time...Merry Christmas!* And you all are still getting a lump of shmol!!!
I don't know whether to laugh, or slap you silly.
Nice, it seems interesting. I can't wait until two.
Well, I can't tell you anything. If there was a demo release, i'm pretty sure we would have posted it up on the front page by now.
Like Split said, there is always a reason, and making a thread about members hating each other is not a good idea.
WTF?XD I'm not that suprised though.