That's like eating dried ice. XD
Lol, nice paper. On the issue though, I agree. To tell you the truth, kids aren't that effected with being someone off a video game. Especially the older audience(15 and up). The younger children would enjoy playing it, but you don't here them say : " Man this guy made me mad at school, imma go straight master chief on this ****!" :/
Lol, yeah I would listen, but I would still believe in him. For me, I think there's no way of proving that he does exist, and if he doesn't. That's why people always have conversations like these. You can only go on your belief, and think what you want to think.
Pretty much, it's just rep, so it's not that important, and not even CtR is close. Eventually, I predict in like the next month(lol) she will reach that point, and it might need to be reached over. Though what is the point anyway? I mean it's just rep, and it's not like you get anything. All the gems CtR has now is already...alot....woah.XD It just flips. It's something that we don't need. It's like asking if we can change the skin. It can be done, but we don't have/need to. So, I say no. D: Yeah whatever, throw your rocks.*gets shield*
Nope, it's only 2:42 PM over here. :/
Lol,see ya then. Also remember, do not kick the secret service in the knees.
Lol, wow, obviously you're missing the bigger issue. They want him to do it again, which means another life will go down for the sake of a picture. Soon, other artists will be inspired, and asked of by others to do the same thing. It will turn chaotic, and it will be stopped sooner or later. But in the wrong way. They'll wait until more people start torturing animals, and then people all over will start complaining. Though now, we might have a chance to stop it. Using an excuse as: There's a bunch of them around the world, killing two won't effect anything. By saying that, you sound like a complete ******. :/
Im not paying for the pizza this time. >>
Lol, that's illegal in the US. :3
Ooooh!!! That's Daft Punk!? I love that song!! *screams like a fan boy*...*ahem* Yeah, muse is beaten.
OMFGZSBUSDBDOUINFKLSMN@@@O_$$_(O(%A%%(%)_$)+_#P+:!}!@!!!!!!................What's Daft Punk?
Alright, even though it isn't 19 here yet, I still have to wish my buddies a special birthday. Make sure to eat the cake! And if people start standing behind you while you're infront of the cake...well...I hope you have fast reflexes. >D
Wait a fugly minute, yeah I was a little mad too, but at least they actually replaced it with something good.D: What they need to do is, make a section of cartoonnetwork where they show the old Toonami shows, like DBZ/Gundam Wing/ Reboot(I think that's how you spell it), and a whole bunch more. I don't want to rely on the internet.
Good job Sora, you caused a fad...with your name.
Lol. first of all, girls aren't weak, even the ones who don't go to the gym. I'm not saying every girl walks around looking like a she hulk.>.> I've never actually punched a girl, but I have tackled. What can I say? We were playing football, and plus they were my older sisters so I got beat up anyway.XD Im a male, and yet even I don't like the idea that girls should never be hit, because I mean seriously...most deserve it. But my pride, and the fact that girls are awsome(and insanely crazy), I would never hit one.
Lol, but is a great way to meet people who play girls...who are girls hopefully. O.o
Bleah, I joined last year.>_> But I have been on staff before. >.> Plus, I use to just read the comments, but wouldn't join the site. Um, I didn't know how...^_^' Leave me alone. I can't give any deep info, but hey i'm here to help as always.
TheChosenOne: Yes I have it! 246walkalone: What? TheChosenOne: Crisis Core, and im the first one to get it at GS! Burnitup: What does the G stand for? TheChosenOne: Uhh, Game. Burnitup: ...... what about th- TheChosenOne: Stop. Burnitup: Stop what? Annexio: But you do know you're not the first on to get it right? TheChosenOne: Am too, they lady at the register said so herself.*brushes off cover* Cloudstrife252: Either that or she was hitting on you. TheChosenOne: But it was my mom. O.o Cloudstrife252:....... Annexio: *slaps and pulls out her copy* I got it too, and like last year. TheChosenOne: It wasn't even out yet...hey you cheated! Annexio: Excuse me? TheChosenOne: You ordered it from Japan! You know there was a competition here to whoever gets it first. Annexio: But that's lame. >.< Darky: Hey, who is you calling lame? Annexio: Don't tell me, you made the competition? Darky: No, i'm just wondering who you're calling lame, I wanna join in the lame calling.*points* Fame! I mean Lame! Mish: O.o Clontox: Eh, about that conversat- Xegreny: Shush, somebody's coming.*everyone hides* Spdude: Whats up dogz! Everyone:*jumps out* LAME! Erkz: *takes off costume* I thought you guys would like it. T_T Destined: Yeah, but another thing, everybody cheated just like Annexio. Annexio: Rawr! Destined: ._. *runs* TheChosenOne: What do you mean? Catch the Rain: Yeah, instead of waiting, we all decided to have a jog to japan, and whoever got there faster- TheChosenOne: Wait a minute, when did all this happen?! Cin: The day I locked you up in the closet. TheChosenOne: That was you?! I thought the door was mad at me! Libregkd: Yeeaah, basically it was just one big cheating game. calvinoddkid: Plus, nobody could complain because they would be caught sticking a scorpion in someones shoes. *looks at Darkandroid* heh Darkandroid: You will be avenged big toe..... Kata Tsubasa no Tenshi: So, since we're all too lazy- Psycopath: Some more than others. DarKnight36: *coughs* Repliku.... Repliku: Hey, I was smart, so when you guys finally decided not to run over the ocean, I was already in a plane eating nuts and purple lobsters.....and occasionally a doctor pepper. ChaosGuardian: You don't have to spell it all the way liku. Repliku: I told you to stop calling me that! Call me Rep, because I- Catch the Rain: You only have six boxes. XD Repliku: Yeah and that's still more than most of you fools. AROS~91: I will have my day... O R A N G E: Anyway, most people took a plane like the noobish Repliku(In background: son of a witch), but the strong willed still had some dignity, and took a cruise, which is more fun.......cause they have oranges. Safire in the Sky: Yeah, that's when we discovered she was allergic to oranges. Who knew. O R A N G E: Im telling you, that's not true! Roxmas ugly faced made me swell up! Roxma: Hey I was too busy teaching RomiChanKHeartless how to swim, and you can't swell up from oranges, I think, so lame. Darky: LAME!! Annexio: Enough already! Just finish the dang story! TheChosenOne: Yeah, who got there first? ICSP: Well, what had happened was... Hissora: A giant hot dog covered with other items crashed into us. TheChosenOne: O_O You mean kata- Mastersword: Yes, and I think i saw a really big lizard stuck on it too. Goimez: And it tried to eat me! ChaosAxle: I hate babies. len: I eat them. Thalassa_Shells: I pushed one into a sewer! Annexio: Stop! Burnitup: Game! Doombringa23: What were we talking about? Darky: Ya know, im sure it was a thrilling story about our journey to Japan, but now im hungry. Muffin: Can't have my cookies! Smoke: I thought you were storing muffins? Muffin: No, that would be ghetto. Ghe|tt|o²Xemnas.: Hey, how come I never get to help? EvilMan: Well, after we were done with getting knocked into the country, and Repliku and his people almost landed on us in a plane- Firekeyblade: This is when everybody actually started to run, all through out the city. heart of darkness: Man, I got stopped by a cop. D: xlucyyyx: stopped? Shoot, I got attacked! JaxonXIII: I just went to the nearest food hungry.*looks at muffin* Muffin: D: King_Mickey803: Ya know, i'm pretty sure we aren't helping that population thing.... Cin: That's in China. Xert: Man same thing! Cin: Is not!.....:rockdover: so hungry Annexio: Seriously, it's almost over, after this we can feed off of Sara's secret cabinet. Sara: I told you, there's nothing in there. *locks door* TheChosenOne: So, who got the game first? oblivion_riku: None of us did. TheChosenOne: Wha- fox-of-light: Turns out, that we forgot one thing. TheChosenOne: ? Soku: Yo. *reads joke book* Chaser: This cheater worked here! Soku: Uuh, c'mon guys, I thought we were cool. Kiryu: And he still managed to get it before Annexio. Soku: Look it doesn't matter , just play the game, and eat some nachos or something. Your ribs are showing....what is that?! marluxia_rules13: You don't wanna know. *hides ribs* VGN: Wait, I shmell cow ooh there's a psp on the ground!! marluxia_rules13: >.> <.< *runs* *Everyone wrestles for the PSP* TheChosenOne: Man, this blows. Soku: It's alright , just finish it Annexio: Well, I already have, sad ending. Soku: Hey no spoilers. HigherBeing: Zack nooooo!!!!! Shadowjak: What? HigherBeing: Not you the cool one. Shadowjak: *goes back to smuggling Yugioh cards from Ryuuga* Annexio: I mean it, stop- Burnitup: Game! Catch the Rain:*grabs hammer* You need this? Annexio: Good timing as always....... >D Burnitup: Noo!! *gets whacked to the stars* Soku: And they wonder why I dissapear. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There you go Muffin! ^_^
Then you should feel very attached Darky.
*looks at your status* This is a trick, I know it is. D: Well, is it because you go back and read your favorite parts?