AH man that's sweet. The MGS series just blows my mind. <3
Lol I'll sign.........it's not you Cupcake, it's me.........don't hurt meh. D:
Ha, good one.............wait you're serious? O.o Poor VGN
Yeah, especially since Cloud acts just like Zack, but the original is always better. :D Man, I have other things to spend money on, so I can't really get it yet, but I will someday.
Oh yeah, I remember that. XD Eh, I guess it's in the summer. :/ I don't really care who gets to be in control, as long as I make the winner of the best spam storys. >D
Interesting.... Name: Xejikun Age: 23 gender: Male Appearance: He wears a blue long sleeved shirt but nothing underneath. Sometimes he would wear it open, but doesn't care of what the teachers think. He usually wears a black glove on one hand, but he sometimes switches it. He wears a leather belt thats blue, and from that is a chain that goes a little beneath his pocket. His jeans are black and perfectly ironed, none of his jeans are wrinkled. He doesn't flood with his jeans, they actually go to his shoes, which are black and have red at the bottom. His shoes have a certain design that every boy would won't but he had enough to actually get them. Xejikun gets big about his wardrobe but if somebody messed them up, they just better hope he's in a good mood. To most people he really stands out, but when it comes to outfits....people actually accept him. I guess most people normally think he's a good dresser. His body is very similar to most boys. He's not hulk sized like most boys who over do their muscles. He has a bulky shape, but still has his medium size. He has a six pack and muscle to boot, but he isn't as big as your thinking. It looks like he has no build but he'd prove you wrong in a battle. He works out, training his body everyday, he'd rather stay healthy. But that doesn't stop him from having asthma problems, he tries to prevent it though. He was first noticing his asthma since the accident in his history. He is about 6'1 ft tall. I know, pretty tall but thats what he gets when he starts training his body. It's strange how he gets taller just by doing the things he does, and it will never stop his ambition. Plus his family was tall, but it seems he's the tallest now. He wears a cross necklace, you can only see it when he has his shirt open, reviling his upper body. His loved gave it to him on his 17th birthday. He will always wear it..... Personality: He has a very strange personality, he can't be happy all the time, or sad. Most of the time he'd be rude, and mean, and it's because people are afraid of him. Thats what ticks him off sometimes, he brings himself to actually talk to someone, but then they just run away. He doesn't fight people cause he enjoys it, they usually challenge him. And he'd tear them apart if he was in a bad mood. He can't change himself by being rude or mean, its just the way he is. And half of the reason is, is because of his past. Only one person ever tried to befriend him, not caring of his personality or reputation. He can usually be nice if he receives it, he just got to the point where he sees he has to wait for a friend. And he doesn't mean the girls trying to get a date with him, he'd rather not be with somebody who only sees him like that. But this all doesn't mean he can't be caring, if a cat was stuck in a tree on a rainy day and couldn't get down, of course he'd help it. If your sad about something he would have the guts to go see whats wrong, but if you run away because you discover its him then he'd probably never speak to you again. He's too busy trying to get a friend, so he doesn't have to worry about love anymore. Not ever since.... Desired Role in this fanfic: He wouldn't want to help them at first, but will soon feel guilty. After ge joins, he becomes lighter towards them, and his personality. Soon he will feel to give his life for them if necessary.... Die at the end(yes or no): Oh yeah, kill him. Let him go out good though, and honorable.(if that's possible)
You can use my handy dandy time machine. Works everytime. Well, for me, I would just let it dry by air anyway. :/ Im pretty sure your friend owes you something, or has done something to you before in the past. Shouldn't be that mad.........
If only if this was suggest sometime back, because they use to be all over the place. Nah, things seem fine now with the crazy fav threads.
Dang, I should have added that awesome language. D: Then you would have been more of a psycho.
Lol, it's gonna be more sweet when the police come over to jam. XD They love to party.
Lol, thanks, atleast now I know I still got it! ^_^
Lol, Idea goes to Spike. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *bell rings* Cronoking: Oh great it's lunch time. Now time for fake food an- hey! Catch the Rain: *randomly tackle glomps him* Cronoking: Ow, get off me! Catch the Rain: First you gotta send 5,000 cookies to ISCP. Cronoking: Why would I do that? Catch the Rain: Because. * looks up at everyone else in hallway* Everyone: >.> <.< Catch the Rain: Flying glomps all around! *runs around tackling people as they scatter* Cupcake: Hey I wonder what that special meat is today. Darkandroid: I don't know, but it looks like you won't find out.*watches her get tackled* Misty: Woah, you just got pwned.....whatever that means. CarbuncleGem: I think you spelt owned wrong. Heartless*: I wonder if I could get to the cool tabled before everyone else. Mirai: It doesn't matter, they'd just kick you right off anyway. Heartless*: Oh yeah, how would you know? Mirai: Because I invented it!*hammers* Noba: 3, 2 , 1... Mirai: *gets tackled by CtR* Spike: *sits at the cool table* Man this isn't so co- wow a TV! With a camcorder....and a gun. D: Solid Snake: I guess this means we can't mess with the freshmen today. Hissora: Tokay, do we have the shtuff? サキ アマミヤ: What the frick? You sound like you've been eating some fruit loops. Hissora: Heh yeah, I feel loopy but not fruity, that's Shadowjak. Shadowjak: I'm very shy!*moves closer to サキ アマミヤ* サキ アマミヤ: Get away from me you freak. *tries to dig in bag* Misty: No! Don't use it yet.....not yet.....>D サキ アマミヤ: BTW, why am I a freshmen? Hissora: Shush, you'll ruin the cheeky yet funny plot line. *twitches* *everyone backs up* Sanda: C'mon, sit over here! ~Amber~: No way, im telling you that table is cursed! Why do you think Madi is in the hospital now?! HigherBeing: Man, she just got tackled by Ct- holy crap duck!*dodges under table* O R A N G E: Oh where! I love ducks! They look lik- *gets glomped* JellyBeing: Nooo!! My twin! HigherBeing: I thought I was your twin? JellyBeing: No, you're my nobody. HigherBeing: You mean you're MY nobody. Chaser007: Wow, great come back. rencoinfreak: *sits at the sophomore table* Man, why do we always have to wait for the Admins? Forsaken: Because, they want to make sure we don't get access to the food without them here. Remember what happened last time? Cin: Wait, I don't rememb- Forsaken: * kicks away* A really big monster called Fire Nanaki came with his cafe hungry goons and took all the food. Even killed one of the staff members! Wait....I think I hear him coming! rencoinfreak: Ah, principal Sp!!!*runs* Forsaken: Ha ha.......what are you looking at? Cin: *shakes head* Xendran: Hey, don't you try to act all innocent.*presses a button* ~Amber~: Hm, well I guess I cou- *table suddenly flips away*...........X_X*runs* Cin: Heh...that was pret-....no, trust me, im a beast when it comes to pranks. I can't be unleashed again! Spdude: Eh? *sneaks up* Cin: Uhhh, heh....*runs to a table* Xaldin: Man, I can't wait for the students to enjoy the mystery meat! DSK: Yeah, I can tell you're enjoying it. Darkandroid: Look man, even if you keep following up, we won't take you out the program to kill you all one day.>_> You're making it worst. DSK: Aw c'mon! If I die, I don't wanna be killed by a collar! RVR: Tough luck pal, I'll make sure I'll detonate it. ^_^ Rosey: * peaks from under the table* I knew it, it's all a conspiracy to stop the fads....or they just hate us. C'mon Sargent Watermelon. JellyBeing: For the last time Rose, its Waterorange! Hissora:*takes away phone* Just report back, their about to open the lunch lines.....Sj back off! Shadowjak: *stares at the fruit loop in pockets* Cheeky git. Deathspank: Ahem, alright every- Spdude: *pushes out the way* We will now open the lunch lines, but be- Deathspank: *throws CtR at him* Beware of the mystery mean, and don't even think about starting anything.*Points at the cameras* *Sora*: Heh, this will be interesting. *looks at Hissora* -_- Hissora: -_- Rules are simple and clean. Repliku: Heh... Hissora: Shut up liku! You know what I mean!......Anyway, high class against low class. No teacher hogging, especially don't use Xaldin......he'll eat all the food. Xaldin: *ears perk up* Hmmm... Darkandroid: What is it Scooby? Xaldin: I rink re right rave rouble raggy. Darkwatch: Man that was like the lamest impression. Xaldin: Sara wait! Don't! Sara: *opens the lines* Absol: Gosh, this is the last time imma be serving the.......why are you guys staring at me? *Everyone gets in position* Darkandroid: Hm, should have used the plan earlier. Oh well. *cocks shotgun* >D Absol: >.> <.< Son of a witch.... Everybody:*charges* Warlock!! BOOM! * Everybody charges into the lunch line and gathers all the food they can, and run off back to the table* Hissora: *steps up* Cin: *steps up* This will not be good. Hissora: Depends.....remember the rules. Forsaken: Yeah, no more wedgies during battle. *smiles at the freshmen* >D Hissora: Oh, but there's one condition. Darkwatch: Hm? Misty: *pulls out a fooderlizer* Cin: O_O Hissora: We cheat and you scream! *throws a pizza* DarkRoxas: *throws a plate of corn* Ha! Take tha- BOOM!! DarkRoxas: *gets tumbled from a rocket of mashed potatoes* *Soon the battle was on!* Cronoking: *flips over a table* Ha, a shield! Jube: Wait you recovered from CtR? Cronoking: Yeah sort of. *walks on peg leg* Cin: *gets attacked by corn* Stop, trust me, you don't like me when i'm angry! Mixt: Oh stop you poser!*prepares broccoli* Cin: RAWR!!!! *turns pink* Mixt:........... Cin: See what had happened was- *gets tackled by flying CtR* Catch the Rain: Ha! You can't catch me!...what the? CtR: Fake, you shall go down soon. Catch the Rain: We'll see about that! *prepares for glomping action* Frodis: *dodge rolls under table* Dang, that fooderlizer thing a machinfg....oh man.... Xaldin: You need to relax man, here, have some mystery meat. Frodis: Oh sure tha-*gets shot* Xaldin: Darkandroind! You're not suppose to use real bullets! Darkandroids: Ha ha! *goes phys co* Why is there a space? Sara: *puts on food helmet* This is getting out of hand.* dodges more spaghetti* Mish: I can stop it, but it might be dangerous. Spike:.......please don't do it. * The battle rages on, and body's covered in food were soon lying on the ground.* Hissora: *wipes mustard off of face and reloads fooderlizer* Most of the lows are out....I thought this weapon would increase our chances. Forsaken: *on other side of battlefield* Guys, do we have any fish left? Cin: No, Darky used the last one and took out Mirai. Annexio: This can't last much longer, wait, where did Mish go? *Suddenly someone bolts out of the mystery meat line* Mish: Victory to the high classes is ours!! Ienzo: What is she talking about?.....what's that smell?!! Mish: *pulls out the mystery "meat"* Behold! Chocolate covered Tofu!!! Spike: Ya know, it's days like this I wish I didn't phail 9th grade.... Jade: Do I even have to say it? Spike: Nope. *steps back* Jade: What are yo- SPLAT!!! Jade: *gets hit with tofu* Augh! No...it has no taste but....it's so......bleeeeeh!! Darky: *takes her fooderlizer* Alright noobs.........die *All the low class run* Hissora: *runs and shoots* This is failing quick, what should we do?! TheChosenOne: You know, it doesn't taste that bad.....what? Zexion of the Twilight: This is insane, I can't believe we lost...... *Soon the low class was captured, and hung by their undergarments* Xaldin: Hey i'm part of the staff! This isn't fair! RVR: Heh, it is too me. VGN: *walks in whistling* *Everyone turns towards him* VGN:.......*runs* Catch the Rain: Don't you run I see you!*Fly glomps* Spike: Sooooo anyone want some tof- Everybody: NO!
Lol, ICSP, that made me laugh.
How about a mini adventure? D:
Hmmm....*is gonna take advantage of this and make a fad*
Ia scve osf caroa mo shea nu malsado? <TTT
Meaning: None really Pronunciation: So - ku Inspiration: Two of my most favorite created characters. Sora, and Goku. Other: Alice ounce said gross at the idea of them fusing. XD Easy to remember, especially from my previous names.
Cu icra buju cyga dkoe roew? :T
Lol, not sure this counts but I remember there being a fad over the Orly owl. XD Everyone use to make some topics using it, and it started to spread. And what about the recent Sora 13 thing?