Just when Roxas was about to say something to Larxene, Ven walked over, and he only stared at him untill he revealed his face. It was like looking in a mirror, Roxas had that look, where he was confused, and yet didn't really care. Being rather annoyed, Roxas scuffed, and turned on his heel. Starting to murmer something, Roxas walked off again, and started to shake his head. " What else will you throw at me?" His head was looking up towards the sky at that time, but he soon looked back to where he was going. Roxas had no idea who that person was, or why Ven came, and interrupted their convo. Ven would probably not tell it was Roxas, and after thinking, he didn't blame him for wondering over. Now, Roxas had been covered in darkness, and the only light came from his heartless eyes. Anyone would wonder what this dark bunch is doing, but for some reason Roxas wanted to turn around. Of course though, he didn't.......
Still, it didn't belong in Creativity Corner, because it isn't yours.>_> Which is why it was moved to spamzone. On topic: I like lion king. >.>
This doesn't belong here, clearly you didn't make any of these. Lol, souldja boy....
OOC: Congrats, you made me lmao. I don't even want to argue with you, but lets get one thing clear, like I said, I wanted to join this game, and i'm trying to help the creator manage. So, I don't need you insulting me while i'm actually trying to do my job at the same time. I'm done. So, since you put a poll up, does that mean more than one person can be somebody else?