heheh ^///^
Yeah i got it ^w^ *bows back* nice to meet you though ^^ you can call me oichi if you like ^^
cool that sounds fun ^_^
hello there ^^
oh what's that?
aww it's fun ^^
like i said trying to be imature will always get you into mess and fights and sorry i said that but it looks like your trying to be that way.
^^ ehhe you got to water parks?
when people are trying to be like the mature people and they always getting into fights and mess so i guess not.
beacuse he's mature.
I told you he doesn't hate you.
yeah i remember that ^^
oh okay ^^ i was scared a little
lol samurai warriors one or the other?
XD hehehe same here iu though that too >.>
never give him chocolate XD and how did you had choloate problems?
lol yep ^^ XD kenji's just like that when you getbhim his costumne ( second) his hair turns black >>
are you happy? *wacks you with a cane* i been gone and you still being the same old you
I will go for skittles cause i had engough of chocolate.