*can't say nothing now* you can slap me *stands still waiting for a slap*
*hugs back* im good ^^
That's when i still have feelings for you >>''
It was on says people were killed in a accedent in arkansas
I head a report on the news about arkansas ><'' what if he's *burts into tears* I love him jaden i can't live without him he's like part of my...
what is it?
*shaking* he hasn't been on! me and moshi are worried sick im worried sick the most i stayed up to see did he come back but he didn't i stayed...
im sorry i-i cant...
j-jaden do..you think..zane's.....d-.. *SHAKING*
I been busy and im worried about someone
oh okay then ^^
heheh yeah i know ^^ i got more
yeah let's hope so ^^ ( if don't you'll be like masamune with 1 eye >>'' )
:glomp: it's scary..
It would be a yes for me because we don't know what happed to riku at the end of reverse and rebirth so we might follow his story to kh1-kh2 if it's possible.
that's how i got grounded.
didn't listen to my mom >>''
I like it now that's a smart idea for the future.
heheh yep ^^
:lolface: yep idk