Tested Dark Riku a while back. He can't attack if you only replace his model and .mset. He'll use other animations instead. You're better off using a hack that's posted in the thread for this game. He won't be able to attack if you just replace his model and .mset
Come on, man. Your question has been answered like 3 times. Rename xa_ex_1560.mdls to xa_ex_0010.mdls Rename xa_ex_1560.mset to xa_ex_0010.mset Replace the files in export with the new ones. Use CrazyCatz's repacker. fin. Please don't spam.
The only textures I replaced on the Soul Eater were the hilt, and the blue eye. Aside from that it was nearly identical. I didn't replace the texture of the wood sword, but now that I think about it, I'm going to replace it with the texture from BBS as well. The one Ventus uses at the begining. Also I suppose I should mention that I changed the eye color of Riku-nort to yellow, to match later games. If you don't like this however, you can replace the face textures to the one from ordinary Dark Mode Riku. Edit: And yes, after I fix facial animation textures, Donald and Goofy are next. ;)
Updates! :D I've uploaded Riku and Kairi's high quality textures. Riku's Dark Mode textures are actually from Re:CoM because that's the only other game that has them. The downloads include the high-poly model textures as well. I've also updated BBS Sora's, and KHII Ansem's downloads. Ansem now includes his high-poly model textures, and Sora's compression issues have been fixed along with minor aesthetic changes, (pockets improved, pants texture changed, ect.) In addition, I've uploaded my KHII Sora voice hack. It now works in all worlds. All updates are in the first post. The next thing on my list is to fix all of the facial animations in my mods now that CrazyCatz figured out how. :D
You could, but I'm really not interested in doing this. It would just be a monstrosity like my Roxas mod. xD Just replace his model and .mset files if you want to play as Riku.
Wait... You discovered a way to insert a TIM2 with a larger file size? Could you tell me how you did this please? :D I've been able to edit the TIM2 images, but not import bigger ones.
Yep. I actually haven't started on these yet. I'm revising Sora's BBS textures a little bit. I'm also writing a tutorial for texture modding/voice modding and I've also got a couple of IRL things happening at the moment. It might take a day or two before I can have those up. Sorry for the delay. :(
Nice. Subscribed. I'll update it when it's uploaded.
Are these what you're looking for? They're found at offset 000c0130 and offset 00150170 respectively.
Damn, thanks for pointing that out. I didn't notice. I'll update ASAP.
Sure can. Might take me a little bit, I'm actually in the middle of writing a texture editing tutorial to post in my thread. I'll put it up in pdf format. Do you want them in png format or tm2?
I told you in the other thread. xD You need to manually hex them out. I tried opening it in Noesis, like you said but it didn't work.
Title screen, and all title screen textures, (New Game, Load, Special Movie, ニューゲーム, ロード, スペシャルムービー, ect.) are all found in title.img. I use game graphic studio for TIM2 files. ;)
Eh... the textures are pretty misaligned. :/
Hey, guys. I'd like to help out with this project at some point as well, when I find the time. :P I decided to start with the title screen by removing the katakana from the New Game/Load/Special Movie options. Not particularly the MOST helpful thing to start with, but I hadn't seen anyone do this. :D
Thanks, added it to the OP. I didn't know about the built in recorder. I'll try it next time I need to record. Thanks again. ;) On topic, I updated the first post with a revision of DDD Sora, with updated hair and face textures, as well as KH2's Kingdom Key. I plan on it. ;) Hopefully more people will start editing textures as well. xD There are quite a lot I want to update. I keep looking through the models, and keep finding more and more I want to change. xD
Nice, thanks. :D My computer isn't powerful enough to record while playing in HD. Mind if I link your video in the first post? Also the only (slightly) misleading thing is that my HP textures look nowhere near as good as in that thumbnail. xD 1.5 doesn't even look that good.
I know about this issue. I told you about it when you requested the Ansem textures. xD I don't know how to fix it. It happens even if I don't replace the face textures. It's pretty ugly, but I haven't asked CrazyCatz about it because I don't want to slow down translation progress. Honestly to me that's priority #1. I'm actually not sure what the problem is. Probably has to do with the fact that the extractor doesn't extract facial animation frames. Or maybe there's some sort of pallet issue, and if it injects textures without the facial expression textures there's some color corruption because its applying the wrong pallet to those textures. A side note. Is it legal to put *.vsb files up for download? I mean they're just collections of sounds, some of which I'm pretty sure were uploaded to this very site once. xD Anyone interested in these? I just did it cause after all these games, that's KHI Sora's canon voice in my opinion
Yeah, but when we're talking about something as tiny as a hex digit, that's a lot. xD Each byte equals two hexadecimal digits, you can't overwrite the next offset, or the next image in title.img will be corrupted. Edit: By the way, I was never talking about image you posted. It's possible that will work. I'm talking about the images in title.img
You're right, I'll test it in a sec, but if the file size is larger it will overwrite the next offset.