I... I might love you.
Some of them did. Actually I just realized recently that one sound clip was cut off. I'll fix that soon, right now I'm working on something else. I also plan on replacing Sephiroth's voice clips with George Newburn's at some point. Edit: Maybe at some point I'll be able to replace all of Epcar's battle clips with Zane's in all of the games. ;) Pretty sure I already could in BBS, if I weren't so lazy busy. xD
We WILL find a way. ;) Even if I have to figure it out by myself. I've done silly things just for fun with the models. I imported One Winged Angel, Diamond Dust, and Xemnas's model and animations into NA KH1. I'm reading about different 3D formats on Xentax's tutorial section for a bit.
Well, scaling the HP bar seems to be impossible without changing the x and y positions of the textures, which I don't know how to do. Same with the sprites next to the commands. I have, however, taken care of all of those nasty lines on the HUD while playing in HD. :D Hmm.. really? I think we might just be too used to playing in 16x9. :D I compared it with a screenshot from 1.5, and it seems to be about the same. Only problem is Command, Attack, Magic, and Items need to be scaled, (I can change 'Command' but without everything else it's pointless.) And the positions of the sprites next to them need to be moved to the left. Which I don't know how to do.
Actually the dashes aren't technically an emulator thing. I'm like 99% sure that it would look like that if the actual PS2 were capable of rendering and outputting the game at HD resolution. I've been looking at the textures, and I'm pretty sure that I actually can fix the issue, if anyone cares. I've already fixed that line across the attack command.
Well, I did shrink it quite a bit. I actually tried shrinking it more and it just looked weird. The whole thing is like 10x10 pixels, so It's quite difficult to make look good. I'll keep working on it, and see what I get. I'm also trying to fix the HUD. EDIT: I scaled the command menu for wide screen, however the additional sprites, next to the commands are now floating. Does anyone know how to re-position them? Next I'll see what I can do with the HP/MP bars.
Does anyone know where menu textures are? I replaced what I thought was the menu 'munnies' texture, but it turned out to actually be the texture that comes up when you gain munny. I might be being really dumb, but I can't seem to find it. xD Doesn't seem to be in uitex.bin By the way, there's nothing I can do about the length of the 'y' or it will be cut off more. :(
The ones that matter work in cutscenes, I.E. all of the HD ones.
Maybe make Metal Chocobo look more like this? ;) [DOUBLEPOST=1376675808][/DOUBLEPOST] None of us really have the technical prowess to achieve this. I've been looking at the data for the same model in both .mdlx, and .mdls format and I can't make sense of any of it. I've also looked at a couple of other 3D formats, but alas I am but a n00b. If you had the time would you consider looking into this? I understand if you're busy and don't have the time, but you seem to be quite knowledgeable, and have achieved things others haven't.
I'm working on some stuff with the command menu now. :P Not much point in keeping things secret, since other people might be working on the same things. xD I'm changed 'munnies' to 'munny' and the additional thing was that I was changing the font for 'New Game, Load, Special Movie' to the font from the newer games.
Aww hell. xD I was working on something like this. I'll scrap mine. Yours looks really good. :D Well, mine had something additional. ;) Maybe I'll keep working on just that part.
I would love to contribute more to this project, but I can't read a word of Japanese. (except katakana. lol) Maybe I could help with 'localization' so to speak? Rearranging sentence structure and the like?
Don't talk about that here, please.
Hmm, well I was planning a project like this for DDFF012 since they've got model importing down. By the way, ANY model import would require rediculous amounts of reverse engineering the game. xD Speaking of Dissidia, I think I'll shoot SkyBladeCloud, or UltimaEspio a PM on the Dissidia forums and tell them about this project. I don't know them personally, but IIRC they're the ones who figured out model imports for dissidia. They might be interested.
Rigging some models will be my next little project, I suppose. Just hope someone can do something with them. :P Personally I think It would be really awesome if we could say, rig org. Roxas over Sora, rig someone else over a boss, and remake some of the fights they cut out of the 358/2 days movie. :D
I'm not sure I understand your question. Are you asking if I could replace KH1 Xemnas with KH2 Xemnas? We can't import models. :/
That update didn't fix the facial expressions, it just fixed some compression issues on Sora's face. Sorry for the confusion. I'm working on fixing the facial expression issues now. I've already fixed Sora, Kairi, and most of Riku's, I'm just waiting till I've got everything finished before I upload them all. It's actually really tedious and annoying to fix Riku's Dark Mode facial expressions, as his skin is slightly lighter than normal, and I have to edit almost the entire pallet without replacing necessary colors for expressions. xD Sorry It's taking so long.
This looks nice so far. ;) Nice work. Edit: Hmmm... This actually gave me an interesting idea to... AHH! EWWW! This didn't work at all the way I wanted it to!! -Puke- Edit 2: Well, even after major editing, it still looks pretty bad. I think I'll scrap this idea. His face is just way too low poly for any texture to look good.
I'm sorry I stole your idea! Seriously, I didn't know if you were planning on releasing yours or not. :( I'll take it out of the download if you'd like, or credit you for the idea. Mine's not exactly the same as yours though. Mine are yellow like Venitas's. Yours are orange like Ansem's eyes. I used texmod. You can use it to rip textures from any 3D application that uses dx9. Although the textures were quite messed up, wrong colors, and out of order. Took a bit of editing.
I know for a fact that Normal Riku with Soul Eater works. As I said it's xa_ex_1560.mdls and xa_ex_1560.mset.