I've answered this. The BBS/Re:CoM textures have been updated with working eye/mouth animations. They also contain the HP cut scene textures. The other ones (KH2 Sora, Roxas, KH3D Sora, ect.) I haven't bothered updating, as they're just for novelty purposes anyway.
Sorry I've been pretty busy lately. These are what I'm working on. Halloween Town Roxas Tron Roxas NOT FINISHED YET. Still need to do the shading. Been too busy to finish this. Terra with BBS textures - Removed cape. Last is Vanitas Sora, but I really can't make this one look right at all. I might end up scrapping this one, or just giving him recolored Sora clothes.
I'm going to redo Sora's face again. I'm not happy with it. Well I started with something I've been wanting to do for a while. A while back I did a full play through of KH2 as Roxas, which was pretty fun, so I made a Halloween and a Tron version of Roxas, just cause. I also did a recolor of Terra to make him look more like he does in BBS (I Also removed his cape. Credit for that idea goes to Hidden Smithery) Also I did the obligatory Vanitas -> Sora. I'll post pictures soon. I'm revising Tron Roxas.
Oh boy. I uploaded the wrong files I think. I'd already fixed that. Give me a minute to find the fixed ones.
lol I don't think he was asking you to buy a CFW PS3. xD I think he was suggesting that you could sell your hardware flasher on ebay.
Yep low-poly face issues fixed. :p I've already started on some texture mods for KHII in preparation for whenever CrazyCatz makes the KHII IMGreplace program he mentioned. I'll post pics soon. The white squares are part of Donald's and Goofy's HUD portraits. Can't fix those unless I can figure out how to extract those textures. I fixed it by extracting the HP bar textures, and removing the transparent pixels next to the bars to eliminate the 'half pixels.'
I already posted this in the porting thread, but here. :D It's because when you upscale, it upscales the the textures too, and pixels that normally wouldn't be shown become 'half pixels' when you upscale because of the texture smoothing.
Updates! I updated every BBS texture mod. All of them have correct facial expression pallets now. I also updated my UI texture mod that removes those nasty lines on the HP/MP gauges and on the command menu while playing in HD. Now, I actually didn't test Dark Riku or Riku-nort extensively, (I'm working my way up to that point in the game right now) so if you find any problems with any of my textures please let me know, and I'll have them updated. Also I extracted over 3000 sound clips from Re:CoM, but none of them seem to be battle quotes. I found every heartless noise if anyone needs those though.
Yeah, sorry. I hadn't used it yet. It doesn't look like Sora or Riku have .vsb files. Maybe their battle quotes are inside their model files like NPCs in the other games? I guess I could use the 'No BGM' code, and just record the sound effects when he uses the new quotes with audacity or something, but the quality wouldn't be as good. I think I'll just move on for now, thanks for all your help though. :D
Thanks, but that's actually not what I need. I can extract VAG files from .vsb archives already, I just don't know where the .vsb archives are in Re:CoM.
Sora and Riku use a .vsb file for their voices, or do you mean characters like Donald and Goofy?
It seems that Re:CoM doesn't use .vsb files for voice clips. I've found VAG sound clips in completely random files that were extracted with CrazyCatz00's tool. I haven't found any of the sound clips I'm looking for. What's odd is that the voice clips seem to have no order to them at all. I found a file that has two Cloud clips, a Peter Pan clip, and three Goofy clips.
Hmm... I don't know how this would sound. I'm definitely no sound engineer or anything. xD Wait do you mean his cut scene dialogue? This could work if someone could make it sound good. o_O
I've discovered a way to convert .WAV to .VAG. I did some quick tests by replacing one of Sora's battle quotes with Re:CoM Vexen's attack grunt. This means that we definitely CAN replace the FM+ exclusive organization battle quotes with the English ones. ;) But first I'm going to try to find Sora's Re:CoM voice clips to complete my KH2 voice mod. Edit: I should mention that the converter I found is completely legal, as it's not owned by Sony. Also all of my texture mod facial animations are finished, and I'll be uploading them in just a moment.
Certainly. All you have to do is use CrazyCatz00's iso extractor to unpack all of the game's files, find the model you want to replace the...
Ah nice! You wouldn't happen to have Sora's battle quotes fro Re:CoM would you? He has a couple of new voice clips. I need to find his puberty voice clips for 'Force!' and 'Stop!' Edit: Moved Man, you're a genius. xD Imagining how you figured out how to import custom music is breaking my mind. I would understand if you wouldn't want to give out the converter if you could get in legal trouble, if you can't give it out, would you convert a couple of clips to VAG for me?
The Tarzan/Beast replacement should certainly work, as I replaced Goofy with Riku. He'd use Beast's abilities with Tarzan's animations however. Also that's a really good idea, but I haven't been able to extract voice clips from Re:CoM. I tried using ISO buster, but I couldn't figure it out. If you can figure out how to extract the clips, I'd even do the replacing for you, because this NEEDS to happen. Along with fixing up the nasty grammar mistakes, and fixing the gummi menu.
Awesome! Are VAGp files some kind of Sony format? Would you know how to convert them to .wav and back?
I was supposed to post a tutorial for this, but I never actually finished it. I'll just post some quick instructions here for now. This is the way that I do it. Might not be the most efficient way, but whatever. 1. Find a voice file that you want to swap. Ex: I used Sora's KHII voice files tt0_sora.vsb, al0_sora.vsb, ect. (NPC clips are stored in their model file.) 2. Scan both the file you're editing, and the file you're getting the sounds from with PSound. This way you can preview, and see the names of the files you're trying to find. Ex: I scanned the file al0_sora.vsb, and found the sound clip 'sr02co01' which is KH2 Sora shouting "Donald!" Then I scanned tw_sora.vsb and found the sound clip 'sr01co00_e' which is KH1 Sora shouting "Donald!" 3. Open both files in a hex editor. Search for the file name from the first file, go up two lines to where it says 'VAGp.' Highlight from that offset all the way to the next instance of 'VAGp.' Ex: I opened al0_sora.vsb, and used ctrl f to find sr02co01, looked two lines up, selected from offset '00000120' all the way to offset '00002a10' and copied it. 4. Now search for the sound clip you want to replace in the file that you're editing, and paste what you copied from the second file over the offset where it loads that sound clip. In other words paste what you copied from the first file two lines above the name of the clip you're replacing in the second file. The file names should line up. Ex: I pasted the data from 'sr02co01' over the data of 'sr01co00_e' at offset '00000190.' If I saved the file, and imported it into the game now, Sora would shout 'Donald!' in his post-puberty voice when using magic/items on Donald, but if I tried to use magic/items on Goofy, there would be Audio corruption. 5. This is the strenuously tedious part. You need to make sure what you pasted doesn't delete the next instance of 'VAGp.' This is done by editing the sound clips data, which is... COMPLETELY trial and error, since there is no way that I've found to convert normal sound clips to the VAGp format. Usually there is some dead space at the beginning, and end of a voice clip. You can use your intuition to remove the dead space at the beginning of the data. Removing it from the end is cake. If for some reason your modified voice clip isn't long enough to reach the next instance of VAGp, you can fill in the remainder space with ff, or 00 or whatever to create more dead space. Ex: I removed the data past offset '000019d0' in the file 'al0_sora.vsb' which turned out to be dead space. 6. Repeat for every sound clip. Luckily all of Sora's .vsb files are in the same order, excluding any additional clips, so it was nearly just a copy paste on all of the other files.
Everyone except Riku-nort is finished. I'm just waiting 'till I finish him to update them all at once. I'll probably have it done today.