Don't use blender lol It's like 10x more complicated. Could you post a source on the .cvbb files? I believe you, but I've never even heard of that format. If that's true, no wonder I can't find any vertex or bone data. I've got no idea how to decompress data, or anything like that.
Here are all of the pictures. Excluding the ******* **** *** *** **** stupid prime cap. Edit: KH1 HD is great, but Re:CoM HD gets MASSIVE frame rate drops during boss fights (It slowed to a crawl when Ursula did her mouth beam cannon thing, it was really hard to dodge because of that.) Everyone talks about how KH1 HD freezes, and is glitchy, but In like 90 hours of playing it, it's only frozen for me once. That's less than I get playing on PCSX2. :P It was worth it to me just because of KH1. So much nostalgia. I wouldn't, however, recommend buying a PS3 just for an HD collection. Honestly it really does feel like I'm playing the same game I've been playing for a decade. Odds are PS4 users will be able to play the game through their streaming service. If you can wait, I'd recommend it. But who am I to say? I re-bought a PSP, DS, and bought a 3DS just for the KH series. :P
I'm not a programmer. I would have genuinely no idea where to begin. This would be awesome though. The farthest I could go is to texture mod the command menu into the green reaction command bar, but that would be pointless.
The only annoying part is vertex weighting. ;) It just takes forever to make it look good. There is an 'auto-rig' script for 3DSMAX that was made for SSBB. :P Some vertices will have issues though. I just do it by hand. The result is better looking IMO. I'm working on Dissidia mods ATM.
I took pictures of all of these, except the god damn stupid f*cking prime cap. That is the SINGLE MOST INFURIATING item I have EVER had to obtain in ANY JRPG ever. In case anyone is wondering they screwed up getting it in 1.5. In the original KHFM getting 100 hits on the pink agaricus was easy. Stopga, Aeroga, Ragnarok, Ragnarok, Ragnarok. In 1.5 Ragnarok is used by pressing triangle, so whenever you use it, you'll also command Donald and Goofy to attack it, which lowers your score. ._. Now you have to go about it in a really cheaty way, like commanding Donald and goofy to attack a barrel first, or summoning bambi behind a wall, and then dismissing him, and PRAY that Donald and Goofy don't teleport to you. It's possible, but only like 3 people on gameFAQS claim to have gotten it. ANYWAY. I'll update this post with the pictures as soon as I get them uploaded. Then I'll try for that prime cap for a couple more hours. EDIT: forgot to mention I also took gummiship mission pictures, and a picture of the 'Congratulations!' Message you get from Chip and Dale for finishing them all.
I platinum'd KH1, so I have these entries, but I have no way to screencap my PS3 screen. Would bad quality cellphone pics be alright? I could type them with the exact indentation if not. :P
I agree with Trilix. This isn't worth the effort, since you could just use the code anyway. Something like this should definitely be optional. It took me until Deep Jungle to stop trying to jump with x and attack with circle in 1.5. I hadn't played an American release excluding the DS/3DS games since like... KH II first came out. It's just occurred to me that I don't even own a copy of the NA release of BBS. I only own the original JPN version and BBSFM.
Always glad to help. :P I'm a fan of what you do. Can't wait to see whatever it is you're cooking up.
Those models only appear once in the game. You can only see them after you seal Agrabah, before you leave the world. There is also a woman that's a recolor of the lady from traverse town in the room where you first meet Jasmine. Their models are xa_al_1030.mdls, xa_al_1040.mdls, and xa_al_1070.mdls. There also is a model I've never seen in game, it might have been cut. It's a bald man with a walrus mustache wearing Aladdin clothes. His model is xa_al_1050.mdls if you care.
I haven't checked if heartless models have been updated. I'll check that soon. The thing about the cropped cut scenes is they look exactly the same as the original scenes, just without black bars. I would understand if you guys didn't like the cropping if we were loosing the tops and bottoms of the scenes, cutting off heads or something. I can definitely see why they did this, because text bubble cut scenes aren't cropped, and in some scenes characters just pop into existence on the side of the screen, because that would have been off screen in the original. If they didn't 'crop' the cutscenes there would be more glitches like that.
After playing through the game, I can confirm that models were changed for - Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald, Goofy, Squall, Yuffie, Aeris, Cloud, Sephiroth, Cid, Tidus, Wakka, Selphie, Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Belle, Maleficent, Ansem, Beast, Dark Riku, Fairy Godmother, Dumbo, Bambi, Simba, Alice, Queen of Hearts, both card soldiers, White Rabbit, Cheshire Cat, Doorknob, Hades, Ice Titan, Aladdin, Jasmine?, Jiminy Cricket, Ariel, King Triton, Flounder, Peter Pan, Tinker Bell, Wendy, Mr. Smee, and the entire Winnie the Pooh cast. It's quite possible I missed some, because of small details, but these characters have definitely had their models or textures updated. I compared the original journal side by side with the 1.5 journal. Also, it seems the localization team was just copy pasting from the original, because Goofy's MP gift ability says Cost: 1 MP, even though it actually costs 2 MP in final mix. Several Olympus Tournaments specify the old heartless as well. (Stealth Snake instead of Sneak Army, ect.) They also left the 'Finis' typo in. The new scenes have wording that would sound kind of awkward if they had voice acting. (Riku refers to the Dark Realm as the 'After World.') Although I love the way the new Ansem Reports are translated, and the Xemnas fight sounds nice too. :P ALSO, I was able to obtain a 1.5 mdls file, but the textures and voice clips aren't in the same format, so it wouldn't be a direct copy/paste. :( Over all though I'm having a really great time with this remaster, and would definitely recommend it to any fan of the series. On an unrelated note Xemnas FINALLY has an English translation for his title! :)
I check here every once in a while to check on updates, just been too busy to post recently. Plus I haven't had anything to share, cause I've been busy. I've been a lurker on this forum since the early code vault days, so I can assure you that I won't totally disappear. ;)
Sorry man, I've been REALLY busy. I've got Roxas rigged to KH1 Sora's bones, but I can't really do anything with it. All my free time has been devoted to other things. xD I'm playing through 1.5 which I just got today.
The model is the exact model from FFXIII with very very small optimization edits. It's still a PS3 quality model. You can read the description for the triangle count. It just has edited textures to improve the shading, because obviously the PSP can't handle the PS3 effects. :P Other PS3 model imports have happened too. Actually very few mods that I've seen for Dissidia are emulator only. xD Also I think I saw a FFXIII Noesis plugin somewhere. I can't recall where though. Maybe Xentax? If I find it I'll send it to you. Nope not yet. I'm sorry I haven't had a lot of free time in the last couple of weeks. (Doesn't help that I have to use my phone for the Internet. Router's busted.) I'll upload the correct files as soon as I can. Sorry for the delay.
I have to say.. This looks A LOT better, but if it's going to slow down progress, maybe you should apply this after everything is finished.
Sorry, I don't know. But you can tell that they're named differently if you export them as an FBX file from Noesis, and view them with 3DS Max. Also here's proof that the PSP can handle FFXIII models. :P Hmmm.. Is that dialogue in 1.5?
Awesome! I've seen so many people ask for an undub patch for the KH games. Glad you took the time to do this. ;) By the way is tw_071.vset not in the Japanese version? The Xemnas files can be easily made though. Only need to find the Japanese clips for 'Who are you?' 'What're you talkin' about!?' 'Anseeeeeeymmm?' ect. I'll add it to the OP. I can explain! I screwed up. I'm REALLY sorry about that guys. I seem to have uploaded ALL of the wrong files. xD Here's the thing. High and Low poly Sora have the same bone structure from the neck down, they're just named differently. You could use xa_ex_0010.mset for the HP model if you renamed the HP model's bones, but his head/face would be screwed up. You COULD get this working perfectly but I wouldn't know how. Probably even on the PS2. The HP models aren't much bigger, He wouldn't blink or open his mouth though. The PSP can handle FFXIII models.
I have some 3D experience. I've rigged models for GTA in the past. I'm rigging Roxas to both KH1 and KH2 Sora's bones. I just have no idea how I would learn how to convert it from .fbx to .mdls/mdlx format. It seems that (at least from what I looked at) no other SE games use the MDLX or MDLS formats. I'll figure it out eventually. ;) Just hope some more knowledgable guys I've contacted will reply to me eventually to answer some questions I have.
All of the files are linked in the translation patch thread, and the HD porting thread. :P
First thing I'd want to do is rig Roxas over Sora so he could use all of Sora's abilities, magic, and stuff. ;) Also rigging Hooded Roxas over Final Sora. The coat wouldn't flow like cloth, but it could be evenly distributed to the femur, tibia, and ankle bones like this. Pretty sure that's how they did it in Days. The coats moved with the legs.