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  1. Disgustor
    Backwards wielding is a code. ;)

    01CE26DC 00FF00BA
    11CE0B68 00000323
    1032F01C 00000000

    Also I have a LOT planned for KH2, and Xion is already on my list.
    Post by: Disgustor, Dec 30, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Disgustor
    Coming Soon

    New mods incoming. :D
    Post by: Disgustor, Dec 30, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Disgustor
    Sora and Roxas enter the struggle arena.

    Shadow Roxas Texture mod. :P
    Post by: Disgustor, Dec 28, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Disgustor
    Just a heads up, I'm going to be going for a new PC build some time in the upcoming months, so I'll probably just wait to record more until then. I'm running into serious lag in some fights while recording footage, and it's making me die about twice as much as if I don't record.
    Post by: Disgustor, Oct 27, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Disgustor
    Yes. Yes. YES. YESSS!

    This is something I'm very interested in. There are SO many things that bug me about the KH2 patch. Hell, I'd even do all of the work myself if tools are made.
    This has been discussed before, but I'd also love to replace the Japanese organization quotes with the Re:CoM quotes.

    One question I have though, is it okay to use Xeeynamo's work as a base, and just change the grammatical mistakes? I feel like we should definitely only do this if we have his permission. I mean it would kinda be stealing if we re-released his work with minor corrections.
    Post by: Disgustor, Oct 27, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Disgustor
    Whoops. I didn't mean to upload that one. The command menu was scaled, but it's pretty much impossible to scale the HP/MP bars.

    What exactly is it you guys are asking? How to edit textures in the uitex.bin? I use a combination of Gimp, Game Graphic Studio, and Optpix iMage Studio for the PS2.
    Post by: Disgustor, Oct 12, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Disgustor
    I've got a little bit of a backlog of videos to upload. I'm up to Agrabah now. Just haven't had time to upload them yet.
    Post by: Disgustor, Oct 10, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Disgustor
    Can't back this up with a source, so don't quote me on this, but from what I've read Rock-Titan had more HP and a higher defense stat in the original Japanese release because he was the only 'secret boss.' He was originally meant to be a major time sink, but because Sephiroth, Ice Titan, Phantom, and Kurt Zisa were added in the NA release, (and Xemnas in the Final Mix release,) they nerfed his stats.
    Post by: Disgustor, Oct 9, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  9. Disgustor
    I'm looking for more information on the MODSN3 file format, which is where the video files are stored.
    It's allegedly a mobiclip specific video format, but apparently a codec was released that could play them, but I'm still looking for it.
    Post by: Disgustor, Oct 4, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Disgustor
    This would be awesome, but wouldn't it make the ROM huge?
    I suppose another problem would be that IIRC some scenes are slightly altered from the game in 1.5.
    Personally I've always wanted custom resolution for a DS emulator, like Dolphin, PPSSPP, and PCSX2 have.
    Days wouldn't look bad in HD as proved by Zerox on the Xentax Forums.

    I just hate HQ filters on 3D games.
    Imagine 358/2 Days up-resed with texture mods, and the cutscenes from 1.5!
    Maybe I'd actually be compelled to not stop playing halfway through the game.
    Post by: Disgustor, Oct 4, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Disgustor
    Does anyone know where SFX, like the command menu dings are stored? Can't seem to find them...
    Post by: Disgustor, Oct 4, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Disgustor
    Nice! This method won't work for every texture.
    For example, this is Dark Riku's Re:CoM face texture, but with the original colormap.

    Post by: Disgustor, Oct 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Disgustor
    This is REALLY time consuming to fix. I've fixed it on some of my mods, but haven't released yet.
    That happens because Sora's blinking and mouth opening textures are procedurally colored by the game. They're trying to use the old pallet of colors from the old texture, which obviously changes when you swap the texture. To fix this, open both the old and new textures in photoshop, or gimp or whatever, and on the new texture use Image>Mode>Indexed> Generate optimal pallet. Here comes the time consuming part... on Sora's original face texture, you're going to have to find what colors are used for the blinking texture in the pallet, and copy the corresponding color on the new texture, over EXACTLY THE SAME PLACE as it's used in the blinking texture. Try to keep a text document open, with the color code, and position of the color in the pallet, so you don't accidentally do the same one twice.

    In example 1 I find a color used by the blinking texture. In example 2 I move that color to the same place that color would be on the old texture.


    You'll notice that the brown color I replaced made certain pixels become blue. You can copy the original brown color to where the blue color was originally, IF THAT COLOR ISN'T USED IN THE GENERATION OF THE BLINKING TEXTURE. If it is used, then you can copy it somewhere else, or just use a similar shade of brown that's already in the colormap.

    You must do this for EVEY COLOR USED BY THE BLINKING AND MOUTH TEXTURE. Once you're finished replacing colors, you can paste the texture you want to use over again, and all of the colors should be correct. I.E. you shouldn't see any blue hair, ect.

    The easy way out, is to just use the exact colormapping from the original texture on your new texture. The down side is that you'll get things that look like this...
    This picture is from Trillix.
    Post by: Disgustor, Oct 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Disgustor
    Well, I'd post screens, but I don't have a way to capture PS3 footage/screens. The most noticeable ones are the AiW characters, and Peter Pan characters.
    Interestingly enough... those are the worlds they were showing off the most in promotional footage. :rolleyes:
    Post by: Disgustor, Oct 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Disgustor
    I really can't tell a difference in quality between the OST release, and 1.5 to be honest, but I don't have the best audio set up, so I might not be the best person to judge this.
    Post by: Disgustor, Oct 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  16. Disgustor
    I decided to start doing videos with Cloud, because up until this point all the bosses were more or less the same difficulty as normal.

    Kingdom Hearts Final Mix - Cloud LVL1 Enzineda Mode No Damage

    Kingdom Hearts Final Mix - Cerberus LVL1 Enzineda Mode No Damage

    Kingdom Hearts Final Mix - Sabor 1 LVL1 Enzineda Mode No Damage

    Next up is the heartless fruit.
    Post by: Disgustor, Oct 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  17. Disgustor
    It's definitely not just main characters. A while back I compared Jiminy's Journal side by side, and a lot of characters seem to have slightly updated textures/models.

    This is from a few pages back.

    Post by: Disgustor, Oct 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Disgustor
    I'll be overhauling this thread soon with tutorials, and probably requesting a name change.

    Shouldn't only showcase my work.

    I'll need to ask the first couple of posters (Sorentas and you) to edit their posts with relative information.
    Like the first post will be a tutorial on using Crazycatz's tools, second post will be tutorial for texture modding, third will be voice modding, ect.

    Might take a bit to get everything typed up, but it seems like the most requested things in the code vault are tutorials on how to use mods now. :p
    Post by: Disgustor, Oct 1, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  19. Disgustor
    Wait a minute... Nightmight9... I think I used to use some of your BBS mods. :eek: If you're who I'm thinking of, you got me into texture modding. Can you link to your work so I can look at it?
    Post by: Disgustor, Oct 1, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  20. Disgustor
    God damn! This is beautiful! Did you use the same textures I used, or did you draw/edit them yourself?

    The white X seems different from mine.

    I got my textures from o0DemonBoy0o on deviantART.
    Post by: Disgustor, Oct 1, 2013 in forum: Code Vault