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  1. Disgustor
    No problem, guys. :P This is pretty fun for me.
    Also the Ansem textures will work on all of his models (excluding the HP models, which I also plan on doing.) You just need to rename them to whatever his other models names are, and inject. :D
    Post by: Disgustor, Aug 4, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Disgustor
    Hello everyone. I've begun creating some texture mods for fun, since CrazyCatz00's texture editor was released. Credit goes to CrazyCatz for all of his research, time, and efforts to push this game's hacking community one step farther! Five years ago none of us would have thought this possible. ;)
    Also, I'll only put the textures up for download, not the .mdls file, because I'm certain that's illegal.
    You'll have to inject them into the model, using CrazyCatz's texture editor, yourself.

    Well, without further ado... Here they are!

    KHII Sora

    Roxas - Requested by Sorentas

    Ansem KHII Clothes Facial Expressions Fixed! - Requested by Hidden Smithery

    Anti-Sora KHI

    Sora KH: DDD UPDATE!

    Version 2 Replaced Sora's hair/face texture with BBS hair/face texture.


    Sora KH: BBS/HD textures Facial Expressions Fixed!
    HD video demonstration by NarutoSuperKubii, thanks man!



    Kingdom Key KHII textures

    Kairi KH: BBS/HD textures Facial Expressions Fixed!

    Riku KH: BBS/HD/Re:COM textures Facial Expressions Fixed!

    Credit for the terrific idea about changing Riku-nort's eye color to yellow goes to HiddenSmithery. :p

    Sora 'older voice' mod

    UI fixed for HD

    Kingdom Hearts - Final Mix undub patch
    Made by Hidden Smithery
    Thread by: Disgustor, Aug 4, 2013, 432 replies, in forum: Code Vault
  3. Disgustor
    Man, I know! I got really excited when I saw a thread titled 'Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD ReMix Models' on Xentax, and it had over 80 replies! Aaaand then I realized I miss read it, and it actually had 80 views, and 0 replies. xD
    Post by: Disgustor, Aug 4, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Disgustor
    Yeah I just noticed, only one face difference in the KHII model. His eyes are more orange. Aside from that its literally a copy/paste. Pixel to pixel even. Also the only thing I changed about the guardian was his eyes, forehead design, and teeth, cause I didn't notice any major differences there either. I'll upload everything I have tomorrow.

    P.S. Do you know any way to edit the UV mapping? Right now Ansem has buttons on both sides of his coat because it uses the same texture. Lol this would probably require quite a big hack.
    Post by: Disgustor, Aug 4, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Disgustor
    Hidden Smithery, what exactly were you wanting to use the Ansem textures for? Personal use, or to use in the 'HD Port' project? I ask because there are certain textures I don't know how to extract, and they become glitched such as when low poly Ansem blinks or opens his mouth. It won't look official at all. :/
    Post by: Disgustor, Aug 3, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Disgustor
    Yep I'll upload the textures when I have access to the Internet. (On the phone right now.)
    Also it's xa_ex_0010.mdls.

    By the way I did the best I could about the pants, and the shoes. xD I remade them about 10 times each and they still look silly. Roxas just isn't cut out for short shorts, or clown shoes. :rolleyes:
    Post by: Disgustor, Aug 3, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Disgustor
    I've finished the Roxas textures. I did both twilight clothes and the org cloak.
    Post by: Disgustor, Aug 3, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Disgustor
    Damn. xD You ruined my surprise. I was already planning on replacing all of the main characters textures with the newer ones! Certainly. I'll start with Ansem right after I finish Sorentas's request.
    Post by: Disgustor, Aug 3, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Disgustor
    I'm using the FM textures of course, but the quality is lowered anyway, because KHI sora has pretty small textures... D;

    EDIT: Roxas's hair is so tedious to change to Sora's because Sora has really ambiguous hair direction. xD It's pretty difficult to determine what's coming from where.
    Post by: Disgustor, Aug 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Disgustor
    Well, I only edited the field model. So cutscenes will still have default sora. Also obviously the high poly scenes too. I'm also pretty sure Neverland won't work either, because of Sora's flying animations, but not certain.

    Oh and of course releasing the textures isn't illegal, but the textures are stored inside xa_ex_0010.mlds THAT'S illegal to distribute I think. I said I'd put the textures up for download, but you'll have to inject them into the model yourself. ;)
    Post by: Disgustor, Aug 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Disgustor
    I'll see what I can do. xD Although Roxas would look really weird with Sora's short shorts. o_O
    Post by: Disgustor, Aug 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Disgustor
    I've made a texture hack for KHII Sora. :p
    I'd put up a download link, but I really don't know if that's legal. xD
    I'll at least put up the textures for download later.
    Credit goes to CrazyCatz for the tools I used to make this. :D
    Post by: Disgustor, Aug 2, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Disgustor
    R U helping now ? Because it seems like you're just annoying everyone. <.<
    These guys are doing this in their free time. FOR FREE. They don't have to do that you know.
    Patience is a virtue. Calm down, and quit bothering them.
    Post by: Disgustor, Apr 19, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Disgustor
    lol... When I tried to use a code to play as Donald... I got this... xD
    This is the code I used.
    00e0dc86 00000034
    00e0dc88 00000034
    00e0dca6 00000034
    00e0dca8 00000034
    Post by: Disgustor, Mar 23, 2013 in forum: Code Vault