you dont get banned for opinons. it depends on how you express thm.
yeah...France came up with the language... though i must agree with listed Avril.
Ignorance is Bliss ~ Jellyfish
we arent giving him the thought. judging by how many pesimisstic threads this guy has hes had the 'thought' for a while. =/
i have to agree with this. if your going to kill yourself you might as well just skip. oh and thats lovely.
does anyone else find this very contradicting?
all of them? well you can get Ciel, Sion, and Arcueid here http://page.freett.com/elemental_t/mugen/index.html i thought i had a link for NecoArc, ill post if i find it
you must be kidding
exactly what it sounds like. you prolly know what flaming is. a flame war is when several people are invovled and it esalates to a hihger point.
i agree with danger mouse, this is far from somethign that would develop into a flame war. especially consiering what recent flaming has consisted of id think youd know when something is coming. and it really wasnt funny
not everything is an own...i dont see how she was pwned
being obssessed with HSM is more shameful than being obssessed with j-pop
thanks for pointing that out we couldn't tell
darky is no longer staff either.
ramen as sad as it mihgt be
tifa isnt an original KH character though.
4kids butchers anime to an extent. and we all know they arent compitent enough to edit the animation for tats and hair color. not like theyd do anything to hair color anyway. =/ this was great after watching Okk's naruto parody on /f/
bcause north korea is an obstacle.