Post itPost itPost it
i have it written countles times on my desk lol
I didnt steal eveyrthing except the 75 oh no >.> <.< wtf they deserved it, they were trying to scam me lmao. oh yeah, if you want to make runescape fun. make fun of a Jagex Mod. Boy that got my accounts banend fast.
Just because i have a 96 75 78 84 that i dont use anymore, doesnt mean you can have em. ill be checking out those new graphics.
Beat. or myself.
= D
The cake is a lie
D :
Was on AQWorlds this morning
Darkclock .
This is actually pretty cool
alright, you join one, ill try and get to it. im in 13
ressurecting doesnt work. im in battleon-20 now
join forest-5555
Do another world hop
me and artix were in channel 3, theres a LOT of lag there. what world?
im trying to log back in im on battleon-24 ill get to 4 in a min
heading back to battleon-13 ill try battleon-4
battleon-13 im in forest-5555 now
yeah,. im under the name Xendran