Is there any oteh rway to hold it? *Remembers video of playing GHIII with random objects like the GHIII Box*
I thought mnost people hold the guitar like that... O_o i know i do...
Yeah, hes been practicing since the game first came out xD Alot of it is easy, but there are some places that really break your combo like SFAIII, Twin Solo, and some of the faster tapping stuff.
The staff could probably warn the member.
No thats Chris. Hes been aiming for a TTFAF FC for a long time. His last run was a -3 but he finally got the FC (full combo - 100% notes hit, no overstrums).
This topic is not abotu me. If every GH and RB had to go in my thrread The guitar hero On Tour and World tour articles woudl all have to go in there, yet you dont care abotu them. All i want is for you to leave me alone, and not try to control me. One more post like that, and i dont care if i get banned, but i'm taking you down with me. And all DA said was that necro bumping is ok if its on topic, but id rather not use my old thread due to it being filled with SPAM like i said.
This is and EXTREMELY huge and hyped achievment by Chris. What did i tell you? Nobody cares. See gatz over there? you tihnk hes on your side? you think everybody else in the thread is on your side? Get out of my threads. your REALLY pissing me off.
Im gonna be blunt. You sir, are an idiot. GTFO my thread and take all your fail with you. This is a NEWS ARTICLE about GAMING. Therefore, it goes in GGD> if my threads are so damn useless, get the **** out of them, ya little *******. Nobody gives a damn what you think about my threads, so why even both, unless your just 1. Trying to make yourself seem big 2. Trying to get me to flame you, which i will GLADLY do 3. Whore posts Now take your cynical ass off the internet and come back when your ready to not be a ******. Have a nice day, if you let other people have one that is.
oh hey this isnt about me, this is considered news at scorehero. Dude, GHIV thread you didnt care about GH DS thread you didnt care about So gtfo my threads, your spamming, and stfu before amod warns your ass, because if you spam enough itll happen.
O_O this is NOT me NEVER will be Iamchirs4life SLAUGHTERS me For the record, my top score is ~786,000
Let This Thread Die!!!!!!!!
Oh by the way WARNING Strong language at the end. Front page scorehero news
Still, it was f ull of spam, and was more leaned towards guitar hero III.
That reminds me Metal Gear Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake And ZOE is rare? ive had that game for forever xD
Im goign to use that sig, thanks for posting it.
Legend of Dragoon. Nuff' Said. Crash Spyro
Id rather not necro bump it, and that thread is full of spam anyways. This thread is specifically tracking my progress. You wonder hwy your posts got deleted? Gtfo my thread.