Which is the point I'm making saying it all depends on who you ask. You can be a hardcore gamer, average gamer doesn't matter its all preference which was stated yet you repeated what I was saying. I'm not sure if you're trying to make a point that I already made, or something else. Whatever you reasoning maybe look at who has the bigger voice in media. Corporations that has a large group of individuals who agree with them on whatever it is they maybe putting out there, or the smaller group who either doesn't agree with what, or how the media portrays said media and might not be seen as much. If you continue to see what a "Gamer" is supposed to be and how female gamers are portrayed in the gaming industry that is where the real answer lies. So many people have seen and been feed that for so long it just seems to be natural and correct although its no where close I can't control that. What I can do however is play games and just treat it how its supposed to be treated. If its supposed to a competitive style of game play I'll play that way and expect everyone else too as well. That too causes problems since I'm basing it off of assumptions, but I have the experience to back it up even though it still ignorant for anything can happen. Which is why I'm saying it all depends on who you ask. You going back and forth with me shows how different our views on this subject are just sayin.
It all depends on who you ask that question too. Even if I say no because I have my own means of defining what a gamer is not just the general means of what a gamer is. If we go by that then I wouldn't be close to one at all. I'm just one person
Ashley- Look at this I said geez...*Points to a weird source of energy that has shown everything in the past that's happened to the person...
I want to lean toward no only because I don't like to play with girls who do that just for attention. It really pisses me off when female gamers have girl in their name I can't stand that I just don't see the point in you doing that. If you play against me I'm gonna say you're trash, why are you here, ISO(1V1) then, wow you're talent less things of that nature even if you're a guy. I don't care who you are you'll get it the same as everyone else, but for girls who do that for attention I pay you no mind. Now answer me this girls or guys who have experienced this. I ignore girls who play video games for attention all the time I just hate that yet these are the same girls who are so quick to friend me and call me different since I'm not all over them, or saying things like go back in the kitchen, or yea you me later at my house, just dumb disses like that. They always seem to be all over me yet try their all to get me to be like one of those guys I just never understood the logic in that. The fact you play games for attention I hate you just for that no matter how skilled you are the moment you take out the reason for being amazing at a game and get attention that way I'm the one you won't see supporting anything you do. So my question to you girls mostly is why do you make such a big deal out of females gaming and all that alone is attention, and still do what you're complaining about? Back on topic I see this a lot with how female gamers are treated differently and have this complete out of this world expectation of how they are all like yet no matter how different some girl gamers are they can't escape the stereotype. Why? Simple... The Industry... Its sounds crazy, but look at the general demographic and who the target audience is. Females in general for cover art, outfits, armor, they are very sexualized and there's just no denying that. I could say something along the lines of legit girl gamers compared to "Girl Gamers" is still putting them in stereotypes as to what a real gamer are supposed to be compared to a fake ones. Which is part of the reason why I was leaning towards no simply because if you don't fit it then why bother? Then comes what about the rest of the general public thoughts and the rest of the females... Ok look you're one person out of the 7 billion people on this Earth. You bearing that responsibility just to prove a point is pointless and immature because you're letting people get to you first off. Secondly you can't change every single persons mind. If that's why you got into gaming to try and be different and so worried about every little move you do that's so sad. I'm not a girl and even my profile pic goes with what I said about how girls are shown in gaming so my question I want answered is why do you game? To be those worried about what others may think about you or just do it to game and just deal with the bs that comes with it?
Ashley- I wish I could tell. All I know is that in here time can be anything, year, mouth, day, hour, second. I could say a few hours since it...
Ashley- Ok good you're still alive I thought you weren't coming back. I can't believe my own sister was gonna kill me, but I was able to save us...
Windy-*Vanishes as well* Kim- Well I guess its all up to Ashley and CR again. They just have to wake up*Smiles as if she's facing CR looking...
Kim- Yet you were told not to say anything with the choice you made you'll find him sooner than you think. Isis-*Holds onto Miss Charisa even...
Ashley-*Sighs rolling her eyes and continues to play with her aura.* Wonder how Zy will do in a fight its been a while since I've seen him fight...
Ashley-*Slightly red in the face looking away.* Y-Yea... You better mean that too.*Slightly snuggles on Zy a bit.* But ever since I got this curse...
Isis-*Slowly vanishing back to where she first met up with Kim to begin with.* What are you doing? You don't have to go through with this you said...
Rosey- Several Vampires? Windy- Joe please do you think you can try to remember the over vampires names? And if you had a Dream about Ashley that...
Rosey- Lyanne's younger sister? Windy- Wait Joe you know of Mistress Bella's daughter Ashley, and Rosey you know of her eldest daughter Lyanne?...
Ashley- Since I met you were always like this so never. I just hope you don't end up being lost to me like my sister and mother which is why I'm...
Isis-*Stays by Miss Charisa.* Kim- When this is over you'll all wake up in your homes. Rosey- Err say what now? Kim- You don't belong here and...
Windy- This is bad real bad what are we gonna do if...*Stops because Kim has no clue.* N-Never mind anyway we need to find out how we got here....
Windy- So explain to me why we are here again? Rosey- So Joe come on you were the last one start explaining.*Blushing very hard still looking away...
Rosey- Is everyone sure on this? I don't wanna hear anything about regrets from anyone of you not a single peep.I will kill you if you do and if...
You're a big stupid jerk and I hate you. So cute, but I wish she would say more than just nice mean things to Weiss. Weiss walks like she's perfect, and has that annoying bossy personality =.=
Rosey- That isn't my choice to me however as much as I want to see this through something in my gut is telling me to hold off on that. If we split...