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  1. nasirrich
  2. nasirrich
  3. nasirrich
    Again I have no control as to what you do with your life so its all up to you. Do what you please if that'll make you happy.
    Post by: nasirrich, Sep 10, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. nasirrich
  5. nasirrich

    Not sure why you caring would effect me in any way shape or form so you can just go on with your day I suppose. Up to you Vivid
    Post by: nasirrich, Sep 10, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. nasirrich

    I-I don't understand... I've infected you... Y-You... *******!!! How can you still have will this site has your soul as well as mine. Y-You shouldn't be able to resist temptation. TH-THAT ISN'T PART OF PROTOCOL!!!!
    Post by: nasirrich, Sep 10, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. nasirrich
  8. nasirrich
    Because I can so enjoy

    Thread by: nasirrich, Sep 10, 2013, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. nasirrich
  10. nasirrich
  11. nasirrich
  12. nasirrich
  13. nasirrich
  14. nasirrich

    I was waiting for the eggs I knew they were coming, but I wanted and got what I wanted.

    Eggs...Scrambled Eggs
    Post by: nasirrich, Sep 8, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. nasirrich
  16. nasirrich
  17. nasirrich
  18. nasirrich
  19. nasirrich
  20. nasirrich
    About to use my words to body anyone in minuets
    Say you're the best better have a way to instantly fix it
    That flow you got causes knowledge to diminish
    Your more of a radio spitter who fits the stereotype so there shouldn't be any skipping
    The next skip that I hear I'll assure you that there will be stitches
    The only reason why people follow you is because their brains belongs to midgets
    Too bad that's nothing but a short stop so I can't even scrimmage

    From now on I'm not even gonna waste time creating a title
    Leave you to wonder what's wrong with this man he must be psycho
    That's like a Hayabusa rider not doing drive by's on his motorcycle

    I'm about to take this to a whole new level
    Shoot my thoughts at you like Wanted bullets, but call this twisted metal
    Say you have a problem with me so we can get it settled
    Be very careful you say the wrong thing you're brains will be scattered pretty like beach pebbles

    Can you understand where these words derive from?
    Impossible you're more like a washed up hero and time showed you're destined to become a bum
    I'll throw so many subliminals in this it'll give you nerd ass clowns a conumdrum
    Process as much as you can, but it'll be too late to run
    Leave you stuck in this class until blood can be turned to rum

    Here to only confuse try hards
    What does that even mean my god?
    Aren't you supposed to be someone with brains that'll turn those who oppose you to sod?
    I guess being online and acting like someone you aren't has turned your brains to equal weight of a pea pod
    Killing off every know it all will leave me with no internet job
    There's the staff, and the secret mob squad
    Punished those fools for just trying to come through the rhyming bard
    You n*ggas say that as if you won't end up working forever in the graveyard

    Even if I make this soft you wouldn't be able to decipher the difference like alligators and crocs
    That's why going hard is what muffles the screams for the cops
    I'll play a game that includes this clock
    Put you down under and see how long it takes for that breathing to stop

    Leave you Chuckie Finster like scared when I haven't said anything about coming equipped
    I'm not even gonna throw out the black part and guns on the hip
    No see me I'd rather push you in a pool that has piranhas in it and tell you to give them a dry tongue kiss
    Not as wicked as putting a hole in your chest and leave people thinking the Kool Aid Man did it

    Just think of what happens when I unload my thoughts and want to interlope
    Now here's a great joke
    People run off with the mouth, but they type it on this site so those tough words are unspoke
    You couldn't even call that cutthroat
    They never even said anything thinking something won't make it any harder to simply choke
    So now there really is a hidden meaning in the words since the dead body acts like cloak

    Its apparent people will say one thing, but their true means are sideways like a lateral movement
    Exactly why they wouldn't battle me stupid
    No one would cheer you on mostly because you'd be unable to do it
    I'm sorry did you want evidence and compelling facts as to why I'm speaking ruthless?
    Only clues will help the foolish

    All the so called "Good Poets" couldn't even provide a convincing script
    Haven't even had sex yet I know you clowns couldn't celibate
    When it comes to poetry I'm the wrong person to f*ck with
    Although I'm not an AIDS patient just coming in contact will get you feeling sick
    I'm slept on by you folks like Snoopy's place of residence ain't that a b*tch?

    Is what I liked to be called see
    People seem to have a problem when I R-a-p
    Yet when its poetry I'll obviously annihilate those who feel they can step to me
    Clean house cause of my OCD
    You're tamed and confined thank your lack of flexibility
    Don't need to talk about drugs, but only if it'll please thee
    Feed you PCP while watching a DVD and download something free on the MP3
    That's OD but there's a fee so I collect an EBT from kh-v
    Post by: nasirrich, Sep 6, 2013 in forum: Archives