Rosey, and Windy- Shut up Joe no one cares just sit over there somewhere.
Rosey- =.= Windy- Oooo you just got put on quiet time, and Joe that sucked sorry sweetie. Rosey- Anyways thanks again good sir. Windy-*Bows to...
Rosey- Da hell is this are we robbing the Cartel or something? Geez I guess this is no Country for Old Men huh ~,^ Windy-...
Rosey- Just get ready alright. Windy-*Shakes her head no.* Y-Yea sure just let me know when to start ok. Rosey- I'll do that, but I gotta talk to...
Rosey- Off the top of my head that's the only thing, but then we'd have to worry about Lucy, and Eve. Although Eve is on our side Lucy is our main...
I enjoyed this and the sound cloud one too a lot.
So this is what you do on the 4th of July.... Its strong and gets me really thinking... Hmmm...
Isis-*Stops just to see what is going to happen next.* Kim-*Does the same preparing herself.* Rosey-*Sighs and stops completely charging up for...
Windy- So what do you need? Rosey- Well your power at this time is the only one able to match theirs kinda. You almost reached your true Enigmatic...
Windy- How long do you think we have until they show up again? Rosey- Well that all depends on when they wanna show themselves. We already know...
Kim-*Giggles a bit and hugs her again warmly and loving like.* See its not so bad after all is it?*Smiles very warmly at her as if she was her own child.*
Noise wait.... Swag Just for you
B-But I'm not sure I'm ready... N-Nate I'm the shy type ^^"
Awww thanks Nate that means so little to me c:
That's cute you think I took it to heart. I'm fine I'm relaxing you telling other people making a big deal of a sly joke shows how you need to collect yourself more
Awww but your the Hero remember? Amaury you're right maybe a washed up hero isn't someone to try to joke around with
You don't have to hurt yourself when thinking of something clever to say. I won't try hard either to make things fair for you
Hero of time we can do this again if you'd like I don't mind
Ignoring the try hards I join whenever it says I joined c: