I already have a 3DS, but if they decide to release aegitimate bundle, with a nice lookin' kh themed 3DS, I'll buy it in a heartbeat. Thanks for the release date info.
^ thank you for posting that. I knew I remembered something from history class that sounded similar to both of those stories, haha.
I've only played kingdom hearts 1, chain of memories, and kh2. I hope to change that soon though. Despite not having played all of the games, its still my favorite video game series.
I love using chrome, but since it is still new compared to firefox and others, it can get a little buggy sometimes. If that happens, i go for firefox. I love all of the add ons of both browsers.
And with that video clip, I've reached 6 times today... XD Thanks for all of the welcomes everybody!
August Burns Red - Truth Of A Liar
Quoted for truth. Also, I've heard so much about battle royal that I feel like I've read it, but I actually haven't. I did, however, take the time to read the hunger games, and I honestly thought it was ok. Not a top 100 book or anything, but I didn't feel like I had wasted my time by reading it (I did read it during 4 of the 17 hours it took to drive from Illinois to Florida, however). In my opinion, the hunger games is kinda like if the twilight series' romance and relationship stuff had a baby with battle royal's plotline. But I can only say that for the first hunger games book.
I grew up listening to the sum41 dudes. And everything that was popular in the 90's sounds the same. :/ I mean, you can find some great stuff off the beaten track. But blink182, green day, sum41.. all of that started in the 90s, and spawned so many soundalikes. But I still find myself listening to songs like noots, with me, fat lip, 88, pain for pleasure (:3), and we're all to blame.
Just when I thought I could finally throw away all my various guitar hero and rock band peripherals... Sucked back in. I love how everything can be imported. :D
Only the first ac game got me pumped up as it neared release, but after seeing all of these screens, and then that last gameplay video synopsis, I'm getting pretty damn excited. Thanks for posting all of that. October allofasudden seems far away. :(
I like to rush through a game and get a basic understanding of the storyline. Then do a second, slower playthrough, making sure i get all sidequests/storylines/achievements. I just don't have alot of money to spend on video games lately, so I honestly can say I haven't played a new game within the past year. I'd probably still do it the same way though if I were to buy a new one.
How's it going? My name is Willis. People call me Willis. :3 I like going to the beach, driving cars, listening to music, playing video games, reading, writing, spelunking, drawing and (especially) spray painting, paintball, football, breathing, sleeping... Various other stuff. But easily my favorite thing to do to pass the time is smoke hookah. Like straight up, I'll probably have lung cancer by age 25. With that out of the way, the kingdom hearts series is easily my favorite out of any video game series. This is one of the nicest looking forums I've seen, the menus are easy to use, the skin looks amazing. I can already tell I'll be spending a lot of time here. :D