I always thought tbe storyline was pointless, but now i kinda agree with you, Korosu. And the battle system made me cry. :/
I hated the gummi ship levels in kh1, but I still always took time to name it. It'd usually be Kairi, or luvbowte. Kh2 I always used the default ships.
Holy crap, I never even considered nomura would do something with the AR capabilities. This is gonna be awesome! I bet my pet will be stronger than your pet. :3
First time actually watching the intro (yes, I live under a rock). It looks amazing, and has got me even more pumped for the release than ever before. Thanks for the update!
It's a shame, but its not all that surprising. I really liked Homefront and kinda hoped for a sequel. :/ Hopefully crytek will continue to make it and get picked up by another publisher.
I still haven't played final fantasy XIII, but XIII-2 looks awesome. I know what I'll be doing this paycheck. Thanks for the screens and Vids.
I'll definitely buy the game, and play the **** out of it. But I won't enjoy it as much as dmc 3, for example. Or even dmc 4.
I've never actually bought the soundtrack to a game before, but after youtubing some of the older songs, and seeing the pics of the booklet here, I think this one might be my first. And thanks for the update.
I actually really like the box art. While like the coloration of the 2nd one, I do prefer the 1st version. And what Misty said makes perfect sense to me.
I'm torn between putting up a gif from the show different strokes, a picture of my car as my avvy, or just a pic of me. :D And whoohoo VMs!
Welcome to the site. Read the rules and spam only in the spam zone. This is a pretty fun place, and practically everyone is friendly to newer members. If you ever have any questions, simply ask.
Have to agree with this, and with what Nights said. But A Classic Disney character I hate would have to be Gurgi from The Black Cauldron. Everytime he talks I just wanna punch a baby in the face.
I hadn't heard of the remix but I searched for it after reading your comment. It was pretty good. You should listen to ruffneck bass by skrillex, if you haven't already.
Ghost Walking - Lamb of God.
1. Dinny Grayson - the colors and depth of the Sig make it for me. 2. Hayabusa - the contrasting colors of batman and the fire effects make it look amazing. 3. Rhyme - a little biased on this one, cuz Spiderman is my favorite. However, the simplicity of the sig, along with the heavily implied conflict between the characters (the positioning of them) makes it good. It also kinda inspires me to wanna start fooling around with gimp, or somehow get my hands on photoshop.
I have to be in a certain kind of mood in order to listen to Transformers having sex dubstep. But i enjoy skrillex, bassnectar, Nero, and deadmau5.
Square should stop with the secrecy. ;D But if it isn't twewy, or a new ip, I'm gonna be pissed.
Kingdom hearts 2. Gameplay made it the best for me. The story was kinda eh, especially compared to chain of memories, but I've definitely beaten kingdom hearts 2 the most out of all of them. It's the one game I can sit and play straight through without ever getting tired of it.
My best friend bought kingdom hearts 1 the day it came out. He had beaten it by the end of the week, and was playing it when I came over, maybe a week after that. He had just started doing his 2nd playthrough pretty much, he was only fighting Leon in traverse town. And I was like whaaaaaat?Squall!?!?! **** yeah! And so I bought it after saving up some allowance/birthday money.
Kingdom hearts is just too big to completely die. I know kids who have tattoos with Sora and a keyblade, kairi or kairi's charm, namine and the moon shaped like a heart, etc. This site and others like it. The fact that square makes it and they will make a simple concept into a long drawn out series of games. But to say that the interest in the series doesnt fluctuate over time is ridiculous. Maybe people are losing interest now, but it will change after a while, and then will change again.