Black Cauldron, and The Sword in the Stone for sure. Also it'd be awesome for mulan to be revisited, as well as Agrabah. Can't get enough of those two.
I really like the 2nd and 3rd. The text of the word Cry kinda bugs me, but then again, CnC from me doesnt mean much. I can't use photoshop/gimp to save my life.
Even though I'm positive Robert downey is going to be getting an unfair amount of screentime compared to the others, i still wanna see this movie. While its not fair, I do like him/iron man the most out of all the "main" characters. The fact that spider man/peter parker might make a cameo is awesome though (#1 fav superhero yo). I also just love how snarky Robert can be. :D
I do the same thing for the most part. :/ sadly my breakdowns are usually untimely I.e. driving and a friend or two is in the car with me. I've recently learned that music helps me more than anything. As does any first person shooter, while loud obnoxious music is playing (august burns red, lamb of god, etc.).
Just turned 13? Damn I feel old allofasudden. Anyways, welcome to the site, its a lot of fun here, everyone is pretty awesome. And yeah, you'll be wasting a lot more than just your summer vacation here.. I'm new and I can already tell I'm going to be on here a lot.
Unfortunately, I think you're right. Obvs can't read it, it the screens look pretty awesome. Thanks for the update.
It's probably God of War IV, or a vita title. If it is, Sony is basically just announcing the game to hype the crap out of it even before E3.
Yes! I'm looking forward to a new pokemon game. Before black and white, I hadn't been obsessed with a pokemon game since gold and silver. These "sequels" are already looking like my next favorite games for portable.
Thanks for posting this. I always wondered of she'd move on from Harry potter, and how she would proceed. I already like he sound of her new book. I'll be picking this up as soon as its available.
I havent played either of the first 2 crysis games, but my friend says I have to. :/ I'll probably pick then up from gamestop sooner or later. And even without having played them, I can tell the bow is friggin weird.
I wish i was good with photoshop/gimp, hell, i'd participate. If theres ever another one and I developed my skills by then, i'd be all over this. It looks hella sexy so far.
The costume looks pretty good, especially considering you did it before a trailer was out. And that knife looks pretty badass. Wolfie stalking throuh the forest, looking for the next kill.
Why doesn't it surprise me that the biggest one is in florida? I might have to take a trip to it myself and photo that monster. Nice angle on the photo by the way. It catches that monstrosity in all of its greasy glory.
I had never heard of them before this thread, but I've gotta say thankyou! I just watched a few music videos, and they are easily one of my new favorite bands. The song "Wrong" and "Policy of Truth" are amazing.
So it made a limited run in the US. It's no longer being published here, but tonight im planning on ordering some for collecting's sake. Does anyone have any of them? I'm just curious how cool they are/ if anyone played the game while it was in production.
I d'aaaawd for about a straight minute.
Bills like this make me nervous. :/ Just think of what you search on a daily basis in Google for school reports/current events. Some of mine are: Worst school shootings Bomb makers Terrorist leaders Effects of narcotics Marijuana legalization Prostitution If this bill was passed, I wouldn't have to worry right away, of course. But if years from now a president or some type of government leader (new world order yo) decides to target individuals and not just cyber terrorist groups, I wouldn't want them to see some of the stuff ive put out on the internet, it could be misinterpreted.
Thanks for the post! It's always intresting to read things from the development team, and this guy has a nice sense of humor. It made it a very enjoyable read.
Simplicity is best sometimes. And here it works. The soft colors make then look amazing. Keep et up, I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work. But I'm curious, where'd you get the images (like soap asked)?
I know it doesn't, but I'm one of those indecisive people that if I were to pic a character from a tv show, or a video game series or a manga,...