I used it every chance I got, even if the entrance from one area to the next was only a couple few steps. And it was fun to kill heartless with it, yeah. I never did actually notice the different decks though. :o
Welcome to the forum! This is a great place to hangout, whether or not you're a hardcore fan of kingdom hearts. Read the rules, spam only in the spamzone, and all that other general yada yada. See ya' around!
I voted for all of them. Do i get a prize?
I laughed a lot harder than I should have from the 40 year old pedophile's post... ;D I've always been attracted to younger girls. But too young and too immature gets old quick. As a general rule, a 3 year difference is ok with me, whether it be older or younger.
:o Thank you so much for this! It's a great soundtrack.
I've already got it preordered. Almost paid the full amount for it too. I cant wait for the release, I'm so excited. I can tell I'm gonna be pausing the game every few minutes so I can laugh.
Yeah, I remember reading somewhere that he was a fan. Wasn't that site, but it was an interesting read. True, it would be unique to kingdom hearts, but practically everywhere else its not a major twist. To the average (especially American) person who pays attention to movie culture, that isn't a twist anymore. It's more of a slap in the face. Or a facepalm inducing moment.
Welcome to the forum! Post lots, read the rules, and don't ever be afraid to ask questions. Basketball is my fsvorite to watch on tv, and to play, but im really not any good at it. Football has always been what I was naturally good at. And yes, kingdom hearts is crazy addicting. Great storyline, and great gameplay.
I will try any type of food at least once. And I love salad and vegetables and rice and all sorts of stuff. But meat is definitely my favorite. And its usually more than twice a day. I do feel like I balance it out with other food types though.
I have to completely agree with you. That would just piss me off. Don't need a star wars moment. Hell, KH2's big bad guy's weapons in some of the final fights looked like lightsabers. :/
Believe it or not, they are picky. They told me that I'm not allowed to join just cuz I have a thyroid problem. I take a pill for it. that's it. and honestly I've gone months without taking it and without feeling a difference. It's not like if it was a huge deal for them to provide me with the meds, and they decided they didn't want to pay for them, then I could always forgo the pills, imo. But congratz on getting invited, and thanks for providing service to an important forest like that. More people like you are needed. :/
I need to stop checking these need updates. It's just getting me more and more excited for this game. It might get to the point where I fake sick from both work and school on the release date. :/ Only game I've done that for is call of duty mw3. I hope I don't do it again. No promises though. ;D
Nomura loves teasing people and being secretive. If he drops a hint, it definitely is gonna happen. But who knows when it actually will. :/
Thank goodness for the fact that downloading games and game updates is now not only possible but popular. A glitch that literally halts progress like that is a game breaker. If I were to buy a game that did that, and came across the glitch without previous warning, I'd return it. Simple as that. Good thing these days developers can just patch it.
To me, us getting it later is a good thing. More time to save up for it. :/ my car/college just devoures my paycheck..
I've always had more friends that were girls then guys. Some of them have huge boobs, and hate them. They've got back problems, and are always having to make sure they wear clothes that arent too revealing, and are constantly attracting the pervs, or dogs, whichever you wanna call them. We can't even go out to a hookah lounge without some boozed up ******* wandering over trying to talk to them. To me, looks are a plus, And having a nice body is great. But big boobs don't always mean that. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, and as Kong as you have good hygiene, and present yourself in a way that is true to yourself, you'll be just fine. A good personality is a lot harder to fade away then looks are. If I'm to be stuck with someone for the rest of my life, I'd prefer someone I can get a long with then someone who looks good.
Thanks for the update. I'm excited about the pics showing we're gonna get to play as riku. Also I see some pics of heartless/nobodies we'll get to fight. Can't wait for this game to get released.
Meh, I do that all the time. Play the crap out of a game, then forget about it and try to come back to it months later and try to pick up where i left off. I 99% of the time end up starting over. :/ But the reading an online walkthrough/synopsis is a good idea.
I can definitely see why that could draw complaints. It didn't make me feel uncomfortable or anything, but the Japanese schoolgirl as a sexual stereotype is so well known that for girls to be sharing candy like that would make most people upset if it were a commercial regularly seen on tv. Its like the hardee's (I think it was) commercial here in America of a girl/model in skimpy clothing eating a giant cheeseburger and licking her fingers and even touching her lips with her fingers in a sexual way afterwards. It's just more weird with this commercial because the girls look really young (cuz of the outfits), and are doing a commercial for candy (popular with children).
Not to pick apart your opinion, but they are trying to reboot the dmc series, and look how much negative response that's getting. :/