Okee dokie! I shall test it out right now... The status is: Um... after I load it after using swap magic, I get the BSOD. Maybe a wrong code? I shall check again just in case I am wrong... Maybe you have to have an ability that I don't have on my save file?
Ooh! Scotland! That's where my family has originated from! Have fun there! And oh, tell Nessie that I said hi! ;)
Ah, it's kind of sad that Kunoichi is one of the people who are made up characters in the video game. She and a few others. Kunoichi represents...
Love it! Angel is absolutely the best character in the movie/play. I think that this is a hard, loving story about friendship. I had to buy the movie as soon as it came out. To be honest, I cried when I first saw it. Totally recommend it to you all of you who love a good enticing storyline, and love old fashioned music.
I don't know... just his constant scheme... It's hard to explain! XD
Awesome! He kinda reminds me of men in black, but I don't know why... lol..
Hehe, I really can't say he is cute, but he is a good fighter!
I don't know about that. I just think repetition is used in the games. But hey, I'm not complaining!
LoL. That. voice. in. my. head. does. stop. every. time. I. look. at. your. profile. xD!
Would you like me to test it out? I have nothing else to do! xD
Maybe because he looks a lot like Roxas? Or Roxas looks a lot like Ventus? LoL?
Sorry, I just am not a Terra/ Terranort fan. Nor a Ventus/ Venas fan...
Awesome! I happen to like Aqua than the others as well. Well... saying if you like her than Terra and Ventus!
Yup, I read it somewhere online. But I can't remember where, sorry!
I'm pretty sure Riku's. I think he is a more detailed character and has a better storyline. But, I also never played his. I have although watched others play his.
I used to collect various jewelery. Such as rings, necklaces and other stuff.
Hey! Anyone else watch Ghost Whisperer? I have only seen the last two seasons, and I must tell you, I am in love with Jennifer Love Hewitt! But I am most upset that they have canceled the show! And I was very much looking forward to seeing the rest of the storyline! What about you guys and girls!
Eh, I might go see it. Definitely keep it animated. Like use the graphics at the intro's if they could? But, like most movies that eventually gets it's own game, it ends up sucking. Would a reverse situation be different?
Awesome! It's that time of year again! I honestly love the beach and mall too! I just don't get there often. ):
Awesome! I like your new Aqua theme! It's cool!