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  1. Phazeun
  2. Phazeun
    Profile Post

    I'm so confused...

    I'm so confused...
    Profile Post by Phazeun for ^_^zexion's real wife^_^, May 23, 2010
  3. Phazeun
    I think all the second movie was about was, EDDDDDWWWWAAAAARD!!! Bella continues to scream for him... all... 2.. hours long!

    I am not excited for seeing this movie, I have read all the books, and I just think the movies are total rip offs. Plus Kristen Stewart plays the same whiner baby role in each movie she stars in.

    Edward is like he is not even real.

    Waste of time, don't make the fourth, don't continue the book series for your own safety...
    Post by: Phazeun, May 23, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Phazeun
  5. Phazeun
  6. Phazeun


    Yes, I understand, but I just needed some support. I have been together for lets see, 3 months now? And I know that the decision is right, just having butterflies on were and when to do so. (I hope that's what I said on the front page...) I now am more confident on what to do. Just the normal: "Is every thing right? Where should I take her? What kind of food does she best like? (Which is Italian by the way...)

    And for posting this on this site, I'm sorry but, I feel like you all are the best to help me. This environment is so friendly, it's like you all are my internet buddies! xD. And I know most of you are very mature, and I'm sorry for those who aren't and maybe this thread isn't ?appropriate? for them?

    Thanks again, and uh... sorry again xD


    Post by: Phazeun, May 23, 2010 in forum: Help with Life
  7. Phazeun
  8. Phazeun
  9. Phazeun


    Thanks! I guess a mod can close this thread, I have gotten all I need to use! Thank you so much!!
    Post by: Phazeun, May 22, 2010 in forum: Help with Life
  10. Phazeun


    Thank you all for the great morale support! I am so much confident about it now! I shall tell you the results when I next see her!
    Post by: Phazeun, May 22, 2010 in forum: Help with Life
  11. Phazeun
    Profile Post

    Busy man...

    Busy man...
    Profile Post by Phazeun for ^_^zexion's real wife^_^, May 22, 2010
  12. Phazeun


    Haha I will!
    Post by: Phazeun, May 22, 2010 in forum: Help with Life
  13. Phazeun


    Ooh... good idea.

    What about reserving seats or even the best wine selection? I'm sure some places do that...
    Post by: Phazeun, May 22, 2010 in forum: Help with Life
  14. Phazeun


    I normally take her out to Italian restaurants and sometimes we eat at those grill typed places. She has a different selection every time. She also loves salads! I hope that's enough information.

    Thank you, you all totally are!
    Post by: Phazeun, May 22, 2010 in forum: Help with Life
  15. Phazeun


    Okay, I guess that might work! The park suggestion is really nice, I might have to do that! I was also thinking Italian restaurant = insta marriage... LoL.

    Post by: Phazeun, May 22, 2010 in forum: Help with Life
  16. Phazeun
  17. Phazeun


    Hey guys I have got a really big issue! There is this girl at where I live and we are very good friends. We dated for a while, and still are. But, we have been together for some time now, and I think I would like to drop a bombshell... I might want to propose marriage! But I am getting the butterflies in my stomach every time I try to even speak about it. I have this nice new ring, and I think I am all ready, but then I crash and have to start back up again!

    So, Kh-Vids, please help me on what I should do! Any advice or helpful tips on what to do? Do you guys think I'm doing it too early? Or shouldn't do it at all?

    Thanks so very much in advance,

    Thread by: Phazeun, May 22, 2010, 17 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  18. Phazeun
  19. Phazeun
  20. Phazeun