Um, I beg to differ with all of you. I think Zexion's attack, although lacking in strength, makes up with how far it can go. (Range) Maybe it is just me, but whatever. Larxene's limit isn't bad, I think that Saix's limit is way to hard to control!
Never mind... just forget I said anything. ^^
Haha, just in it for the kicks, huh?
Oh, I was born in '87... a while back. xD. Never too old for Kingdom Hearts I guess. Or Samurai Warriors Either!
Ooh, I'm older than anyone here I think. It was the 90's way to say clean, you know as in it's "clean pristine"? At least with my family it was.
Ah, been there, done that! It's a pain! But, pristine is the way!
Okay, well I guess there is no need now! Hi, my name is Phazeun, how are you today? (xD)
Okay, haha. I probably should have introduced myself a little earlier... but I was at work. (:
Yeah, ZrW made me one. I have some knowledge in the moderating department. I hope that's okay with you, must I pass a test or something for you? I...
Letter's to Julliet. Hey, I laughed through the entire movie because my pals wouldn't stop messing around they were so bored.
Ooh I think you did a marvelous job! I can't even create my own site which I have been looking into. OH and yeah! I can play those card games! I...
Okay, I just needed to confirm that. Thank you! It's always nice to know your boss!
Yeah... haha... oh well. Patience is key!
Ooh, yeah. New members might take a while without the site to be recognized. And I am sure that if we put it in our signatures, that would be...
Moderating I mean!
Okee dokie! I haven't a lot of experience only on a site, which went down about 2 months later.
Hello! If I am not mistaken, you are the Site Administrator to the Samurai Warriors site? You and ^_^zexion's real wife^_^ as Oichi and Masamune?...
Huh? What pics? And by the way, am I allowed to add my album to the photos? I'll also ask Hell Raiser as well since he is the Administrator too!
Awesome! I await the games for more!
I saw! Thank you! I pledge my allegiance to the new site!