If you don't mind me stepping into your conversation, I don't believe in the "Lord". I think that science speaks for itself and is what we see today. Maybe the people who do believe in the "Lord" say that he is the starting point, but, can there be another reason? Sure, lets go with that. ;)
:D :) :P the smiles have returned
No, that's okay! It's totally fine! Power to the smiles!
^^ You sure like to use that smilie!
Great! Everyone's happy now!
Awesome, we will split the 10, 5 for you and 5 for me!
Awesome! There you go! Now that will be... $50.00 for the limited internet lollipop!
Of course! What flavor would you like? Ive got Raspberry, Blueberry, Orange, Root Beer, Coconut, and Strawberry!
Awesome work you have done! If you look into your rep, its the one with your drawing of Lightning! It's very beautiful!
English, and a little Latin, during the summer, I hope to intensify my Latin knowledge, but that is hard since it is a dead language.
Yours is LONG! I read it! I'm keeping mine simple, oh! Would you like to join mine? I will make you a moderator if you'd like to! But you don't...
Awesome! Now, editing the rules, the very boring part...
I won't. Just do [ Spoiler ] -url goes here- [ / spoiler ] Without the spaces. But they won't allow it to do it in conversations.
Huh, I might actually have to read some more! Not the best I have seen.
About what? I didn't tell him about your site! xD Not unless you want me too! But I asked him if you can put the URL's of different site onto your...
Awesome, 1.^_^ Zexion's Real Wife ^_^ 2. Sam Manson 3. Gobolo 4. Aurangzeb56 5. Phazeun! (XD) Sorry if I spelled them wrong!
Aw, well I checked with Repliku, and he said you are allowed to put the URLS of other sites into signatures! That's what I did for my site.
Hey, hows it going? I finally got my own site running lol. Hows yours doing? I check in every once in a while!
Worst= Bleach, never liked that one Best= InuYasha! The best!
Well, I don't know about all of you, but mine go pretty far. I guess lets say in game wise, about 5-6 feet away from Zexion. I use him during many swarming heartless is around for his limit.