I won't I think I would run away too fast. xD
I honestly don't think any of them are sad. I guess CoM could be qualified as "sad" but uh, not this game. Sorry Xion fans, her Spoiler death never really wasn't that sad. Sorry for the *bump*!
Okay! Let us hope!
I guess! Please spare my life! xD.
Ooh you do know that she is supposed to be a Goddess right?
Yup, I guess that's it!
In that t.v show I remember... I think.
Oh snap I didn't even see the scroll bar! xD
Haha is that Masamune? Can't see his head. xD
Um, if I am correct they have not mentioned ages at all. But Zexion's appearance sure gives away that he is young.
Haha Baka's?
Well that's love!!
Oh that's uh cool! In my opinion, but you love him so that may not be all cool!
Oh the Black Cauldron you say? That might be a nice addition to the game. I'm all for it!
Oh my, well I don't use Kasuie Shibata in the games. I think that he is too cocky and over confident with himself and it's gonna/will/did kill him...
Wait, what? I thought she was married to Nagamasa Azai?
Yeah... he kind of did!
Hey, what did you do with my cat huh?
That would work. But That's for you and Hell Kaiser Ryo to decide. I cannot interfere with that haha. And I don't think I made such a very good...
Ah, well if it's a girl how about Oimaschi? LoL not very good...