Definitely stay on the mobile. It would be fun for it to have around on a cell. And a remake if necessary would be on the PS2.
Laugh out loud! Uh... LoL?
^^ I just had to look that up. xD
... I think that I would have to go by taste. Food... eh, it's a necessity, but it's not a necessity to have to taste it. And for my second... definitely would be smell. Just my opinion, but smell hasn't been a factor much in my life. And finally, I would have to go with sight. Hey, if some people can live without sight, why can't I? Maybe a challenge would be underway! xD
I thought he was one of those... outsider insider type guy. Just by his voice I thought he would be different. And I guess it turned out he was! But... that's only an opinion though...
I got it!! Mitsunari Ishida! I'm certain of it. Ahh... I liked Magoichi!
Haha, I cant remember uh... LoL still not coming back to me. LoL nice little comic thing you have there!
LoL Idk I don't think it is Misdude though.
Uh I can't remember. But it does start with a M.
Camera control, definitely! I got killed multiple times because the camera would go somewhere else instead of the enemy. (On lock... is that good? xD)
OmG! Yes I saw it! Its so cute! chibi's! Hanzo: Woop Woop! Oh yeah! Fuma: Eh, not bad just too obsessed with Chaos. Sakon: Never, just never... :P
Sorry but, I don't think that is the best thing ever. Maybe a less cancerous cigarette is okay, but more addictive can still lead to death anyhow, what would it matter?
Yoshimoto nah... Yoshitsune yes! Ina is one of my faves! Kejii is strong, and agile. Good for strong enemies!
LoL I did too...
Magoichi is a perv lol. Gracia is umm... annoying, but doable. Ginchoyoi is okay, I like her husbands moveset better.
Hideyoshi is uh wierd, Mitsuhide is awesome! I prefer him. Okuni... eh okay.
Eh, he's alright, but I preferably not to play him. Rather just not deal with those who "I am the best, I know." Type people. If you know what I...