Nice, Happy Birthday! Don't know you very well but, I see you around often! Again, Happy B-Day!
:D Been too long!
Ooh, nice!
Oh, I just played the Orochi game, he called them brother.
Maybe, I had no idea that Toshiie and Kejii were brothers...
Do you mean Keji Maeda?
? Twinkle Twinkle little Star. XD
Maybe... Qiao and Masamune? Definitely not.. how about QiaoXOrochi? LoL
Ugh, I though Gracia and Zhang He, even though they aren't from the same game!
I just got LoL'D
Afro Punk. ;)
Oh, please don't tell me I influenced you!
:) I was expecting maybe a Oichi change from you. I just thought since you loved her and Masamune so much. Just thought! You don't have to!
Why not the Black Cauldron? That's a Disney classic isn't it? And how about, oh I know, the Jungle Book? I think that could be fitting, eh?
Funny, I never sleep. I have Insomnia, (Can't or rarely sleep) and I used to read every night until 2:00 in the morning. Normally I would read more than new books. I used to end up re-reading a book or two.
Changed to Katia! Maybe next week it will be Tara...
That's awesome! Thanks so much!
Haha, I change my theme so fast. I changed it again already... no more Patrick...
Aw, what the heck, just for you! LoL'D.
L o L ' D Way to funny...