Markie put her head in her hands. I miss you, master. I fonly you knew how much... Markie lay herself down on her bed, and went to sleep.
It's not cool how those kiddie's talk. O_o i could be getting my mail, and a puertorican kid will trip me and mutter "puto". O_O and i AM puertorican.
I like Namine, but i don't hate her because she actually has a personality, insteed of being the "loved" like thing that kairi is. (down with kairi)
Markie sat by the window, watching as the first drops of rain began to fall. "...If only, if only.... If only I could've saved you, Master..."
And I'M being serious? I'd never diss british humor, i love it too much. D:
you arne't being mean. :D at least you aren't like me, darlin. no one can take me seriously, because of the type of person i am. :D
so am i. D:
much sweeter than strudel, dear. ^^
she recks my life. ;-;
Markie looked around, and smiled. "This is fine...." She blinked, and tapped her chin. "Snacks?"
But you aren't the mean type of funny. like-- don't you think it's funny when a fat man falls down an up escalator? .... yeah, i though so. :D
nuuu. she may be ******ed, but she has the ears of an elephant. (no, they're not big, she just...hears VERY well.)
I know Larxy's joking. ^^ She has british humor. > w < my big brother does the same thing. :D i think her sarcasm is funneh. ^^
it IS. O_O my life is over.... *droops*
Markie looked around a bit franticly. She was used to being in her master's quiet, calming manor. She breathed slowly, and looked at the people working close by.
but my music is my life. ;-; she also said i'mnot allowed to sing until summer's over. ;-; i'm a singer, she takes that away, and ill DIE.
I'm panda, I'll climb the trees so you can't reach me. :D gomen, i didn't mean to make ya wanna knock out my cyber teeth.
"Cool." Markie looked up at the sky again. "It feels like it's going to rain...quite a bit. Can we go inside?" Markie's ears drooped, she didn't like rain... per say, she didn't like getting wet.
i feel like life has nu meaning anymore. ;-; my tunes are what keep my in a good mood.
:O Larxy's a chicken? nuuuuuu...