"They'll get bad luck if they keep that..." Phobia shook her own words off, and threw a coin into the fountain. "May all my dreams come true..." Phobia chuckled. She looked at the dancer nobody, casting them a peaceful glance.
Markie felt her hair stand on end, telling her which way to go. She ignored the strange person behind her, and ran forward. She followed her instinct into a field, where she saw Sonic fighting some stranger. "Sonic?"
Because I gave it CPR, and it came back. ^^
Okay, okay. sowwy Larxy. :D avi: 9/10 highly original, and you're awesome. siggy: 9/10 the colors, the larxene.... xD jk, loooov eet.
AND it's very easy to do. ;D
"He might've. I'm not telling~~~" Shigure sang softly. Nai sighed, and nodded her head. "He won't even tell me who my father is, the sneaky dog." Nai huffed, and playfully smacked Shigure. "How'd ya guess that I used to be the dog?!" "Because you can't keep it in your pants, Papa." Nai saw the look of shock upon her Papa's face.
but NO ONE POSTS beside us. D:
"But can you cry if you do not have tears? Or emotions to express them?" Anxi sighed loudly, watching as the first few drops of rain began to fall.
**Somewhere not too far off** Markie hissed, which is natural instinct for a cat, when they know something's brewing. "Oh the ways to skin a cat! I hope nothing is up with my new comrade..." Markie walked forward, attempting to find her way back to the base, only to realise she was lost. "Damn. Now what? Genius, you should've kept track of where you were going!" Markie mumbled to herself.
"They have right to. Their dancing is beautiful." Phobia munched on her own snack. "Hey, even though it's a waste of time and money.. why don't we make a wish? ... 'When in Rome' and all that."
:D that sucks. we're going to have to post in a thread with more people. -_-
oh noes! *hides you in my room* axel, keep her company while i go talk to marly. :D
And yet you hate everything else. D:
You do that. :D
Markie went to her old master's tomb stone. "May you rest peacefully, Master. I shall tend to you, even in your death..." Markie walked back from the cemetary, silently mourning the loss of her master.
..... Hakuna Matata. :Awesome: (yes, i am a disney whore.)
Markie awoke after her small nap, and she jumped outside of the window, landing on the balls of her feet. "Where to next, I wonder..?"
BITE. ME. go eat that lame avi of your, Reptar. D:
I sure people can change, but that's up to them. I know I'm glad I've changed myself.
yersh. ;-; it is. :'D