I'm guilty of liking bacon! xD i only have ONE sausage I like. (not that, you pervs. :P) i forget whta it's called though. I think the burger is incomplete without a little bacon. :D
being lonely sucks. no one is posting, for gawd's sake! :O
:O i ment no offense to you at all, Cariad. My little sister bit on her crib bars when she was a baby. must've been lead paint. Bl
i was lonely. ;-;
victory! xD now someone i know is on! xD
Oh my gawd. Was this kid dropped on his head at birth... ?
Feh, just the questions my little sister asks me EVERY DAY. "Lilly-- how come you're bigger than Momma, but she's older...?" "Lilly, why is the capital in D.C but not in washington?" "Oh. When did Oprah get to be president?" This is something stupid I accidently said to my twin. Gaby--"Good night." Me--"Yes."
my too. xD soooooo....what are we gonna do now. ;-;
Why did he have to dieee. ;-; (by the way: that video is not viewable in my contry, for some odd reason, pika.)
Aw... :'D that's so sweet.
no, i mean my old teacher Mr.Miller! xD :D muahahaha! (i hate him, i'm glad his wife left him.) mr.miller was a meaner. D:
i've already asked D.I. xD gaby said she has to spread some rep around. :D
good morning. :D
ooc: wait, was that out of character...or were you talking to my character? i'm confused.
xD :D only 10 more points!! xDD
i luv you! xD no homo. xD thanken u for de rep. :D
ooc: that's something i wonder too. 8D
okie. :D :glomp:
ooc: i have no damned clue. @_@ i guess i should reread. okay, i reread, and now i got it. Markie watched the fight from a ways off, prepared to leave if any casualties happened. Markie's tail twitched. "And yet, boys like to fight so much. How many lives do those cats have..?"
85. v.v D: