i will. ^^ :D *keeps checking every 8 seconds*
Anxi heard one of the strangers mutter his name before she walked out of the park. She sighed, and lifted out her arms. Letting the rays of sun kiss at her skin.
okie. :D i'll go and be a patient little good girl. ^^ >>--<< *blows up some guys car*
ooc: okie! thanks for clearing that up! :D bic; Markie grinned. "Not my trouble to be had. They seem to like fighting, though." Markie's ears twitched.
okie. :D what do i do? i know i have to fill out the forum. anything other than that? :D
i'd like to join the rp you just made. ^^
OC Char. Sheet Full Name: Phobia Marks (Markie or Bee) Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual. *straight* (okay...SLIGHTLY Pansexual) Age: 19 Weapon / Power: Music, words off a page. Former Nobody Name: Baxipho (Baxi) Look Description: She has chestnut hair with a bit of red to it. She has gray-blue eyes, and her hair only goes a bit past her neck. She is only 5'1" and is of small build. She is shy, but is outgoing once you get to know her. History: She was originally a keeper of the nobody "code" and kept secrets for both sides. She holds important information, but when her heart returned, she just became a librarian. She owns a small cafe, and she has karaoke there every thursday and saturday night.
My twin Hopefulwishes and I were searching for CoM cutscenes, since we couldn't play the game. (damned game got washed .... "FELL" in the dryer.) she saw some forums that i hadn't noticed, so we decided to join. ^^
I like them! ^^ keep it up, but I'd practice everyday. :D I'm an artist as well, so-- the sitting one is exellent. try practicing the poses, hon.
My grandma's anything BUT boring. BOW CHIKA WOW WOW. (hence, this is my grandma's theme song. :O) she's 60, and she gets guys in their early 20s. but-- back on topic-- My grandpa-- the would be santa claus.
G B's ARE comfortable. :D
Isn't there stuff like that ALL our parents do...? My mom's a facebook freak, my dad's a wii potatoe. (so am i, but its weird for an adult. Bl) my uncle...nevermind, hes awesome. my grandma, the cougar....
Congrats. Don't let everyone else here rain on your parade. (i'm ashamed of you people, kill joys.) Awards like that are EARNED. :D m.v.p kudos to you. at least you don't get awarded for what you were BORN with. it would suck to have to say "um...yeah, I thank my mom for giving me this talent at birth...ah...thanks mom, for passing on your DNA..."
question: is your rp still open for new characters?
Ah....is it too late for any new characters?? Bl Underworld Retriever Username: Panda Face Name: Phobia Marks (Markie or B) Age: 17 3/4 Gender: female Weapon: baton (named Black Blood : she uses the musical notes, or the words on the page.. ) Rank:5 Bio: Markie was born with a twin by the name a Peony. At age 7 she was raped and killed. She was brought to the retriever's because of her sense of instinct and insight. She is well trained in combat, but strives to find her twin, whom is currently living in hallow bastion with her two sons. Personality: has a compassion for whats right. (Though she might be a little misguided...) She is slightly shy, but can be outgoing when she has enough of a motive. she is also generous and kind (sometimes. >.>--<.<) Description: Preview post: Markie walked silently through Twilight Town, feeling the rain gently tap at her head. She sighed gently, scratching her ear. "This is going to be some trouble..." She mumbled, cracking her knuckles. She looked up at the sky, a few of the rain drops kissing at her eye-lids.
Thanks. avi: 7.9/10ze hat is cute. :D is this a pic of you? sig:8.2/10 it looks like a character from a game i love. @ reptar: i'm sorry. i'll let it go. i'm just kind of stressed, because i rally like the avi, it was just too small.
And you were complaining about MY avi? shame on you. Bl avi: 5/10 sig: 8/10 i have to admit...it's still cute.
I agree with pika. >.>---<.< i am a fellow gaian... mind putting a link? ;D
Well, that sucks. Maybe you should trade in the game for a working one?
aww, about what, hon? :O