Nai nodded. "That's amazing. Sit with me." Nai sat down at the table, patting the seat beside her.
Markie's tail twitched, and her fangs drew out. "My master wished me happiness as he died. That is why I do as I wish, stranger. Keep that dulling head on your shoulders." Markie heard Sonic's call. She jumped from her spot, and landed beside him. "Yes, Sonic?"
Anxi walked silently around, skipping into a few puddles, and playing with a few of Midgar's children. *** Somewhere in the Valleys*** Sephiroth paced in front of his three minions. "Your orders are simple. Bring me the 17th masters birth child. No exceptions. You are also to bring me Cloud. No exceptions. Destroy any and all in your way. No exceptions." Three "yes sir" s came as reply. "Loz, Kadaj..Yazoo. Go complete your mission."
"Yes Ma'm." Markie knew that this person meant business, and that she would have no problems following orders. "If it's the organization's lives you want, than you shall have them, Ma'm." Markie stood straight. This certainly much more interesting than training in hell.
"Neon city? Heh. We just have the city that never sleeps. Your world sounds like Amityvillle." Phobia smiled jokingly. "That many worlds, huh? Then why'd I end up here, of all places?"
Yay! 8D i can't wait till we start! >.>---<.< when DO we start? :D
yersh, pandas! :D hunny-chan has bunnies, and me-- I have PANDAS! xD
xD totally. try not to rape him. ;D
xDD :roll: the bust bus. girl in picture: can i join in the bust party?
That's understandable. So-- if I wanted to kill off kairi in the game, i'd have to pay off square-enix? :D
CtR!!! xD g'mornin! :D
Nai nodded. "Miss Reiya... how do you know my Papa Shigure?" ooc: yay!! Nai is like a younger girl version of yuki!!! xDDD
ooc: i prefer the "Sonic Heros" theme. :D xD bic: "If you've yet to notice... I'm not fighting along side him. I'm training under him. He is not my master. He is my friend... I do not answer to him. I answer to me." Markie growled lightly, she watched Sonic in his super form. "Again, the ways to skin a cat. I wonder what my master would've thought about Sonic, the blue hedgehog...?"
Yay! Axel and Demy are here! 8D
Phobia nodded her head, understanding and replaying the new information in her head. "To have come from another world.... Must be great. No one knows who you are... and the don't know all your secrets..." Phobia sighed. "Bet that can be relaxing... how many worlds are there?" Phobia questioned, staring up at the sky.
i've been in khv for 8 months. 8D xD yay, its friday!
true. :D i'm the only one on here who ISN'T busy. xD i'm homeschooled on the internet so..
"I'm not answering to anyone but my self. I go were it suits me. And I follow my instincts." Markie's ears twitched. "The only one I'd ever followed died recently. I'd only follow my master. And he is gone."
life on the panda side ain't so sweet. D: no ones on. and no one other the myself has posted in some of the rp's. D:
ooc: fufufuuuuu~~ the creator made Zexy GAY. xD